GBI Gilgal
GBI Gilgal Family Cell is a spiritual family where you will be guided and discipled, specifically intended for church members who have attended at least 4 onsite services and have decided …
GBI Gilgal
Pola Hidup Sehat Demi Hidup Maksimal. dr. Christopher Andrian. // VIEW MORE
GBI Gilgal
PASTORS A pastor is someone with the authority to lead religious services. Pastors lead church services and help others worship. Pastor is a religious title used mostly in Christian churches.
Gilgal Guest/Teens e-ticket
Panduan mengikuti ibadah di Gilgal Center. 1. Melakukan Registrasi. Ibadah Gilgal Teens hanya untuk anak berusia 10-13 tahun dengan kuota terbatas. Anak wajib Registrasi melalui aplikasi …
GBI Gilgal
English Indonesia. SERMONS. ORIGINALS
Registrasi ibadah Gilgal KIDS
Ibadah Gilgal Kids hanya untuk anak berusia 0-9 tahun dengan kuota terbatas. Anak berusia di bawah 3 tahun wajib didampingi. Anak wajib Registrasi melalui aplikasi MyGilgal atau link …
Youth | GBI Gilgal
A youth ministry of GBI Gilgal. We believe church is not boring. We believe church is not only for the elders. We believe church is not the building, but we believe church is us and all about …
GBI Gilgal
English Indonesia Indonesia
GBI Gilgal
GBI Gilgal Family Cell is a spiritual family where you will be guided and discipled, specifically intended for church members who have attended at least 4 onsite services and have decided …
Kids | GBI Gilgal
In Gilgal Kids we serve children aged 0-9 years. We believe early introduction and experience with God are crucial and necessary. The focus of our teaching is to love God, love others and …