GBU-10 Paveway II - Wikipedia
The GBU-10 Paveway II is an American Paveway-series laser-guided bomb, based on the Mk 84 general-purpose bomb, but with laser seeking capabilities and wings for guidance. Introduced into service c. 1976, it is used today by the USAF , US Navy , US Marine Corps , Royal Australian Air Force and various NATO air forces.
GBU-10/12/49 Paveway II - Air Force Magazine
Paveway II is a laser-guided, free-fall bomb for use against surface targets at short to standoff range. The kit is a folding-wing version of the earlier fixed-wing Paveway I with seeker and reliability improvements. The recent Paveway II Plus adds a …
GBU-10鋪路二式激光制導炸彈 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
GBU-10鋪路二式雷射制導炸彈(英文:GBU-10 Paveway II)是基於Mk 84通用炸彈的美國鋪路系列 雷射導引炸彈,帶有雷射導引頭和機翼進行制導。 目前有 美國空軍 、 美國海軍 、 美國海軍陸戰隊 、 澳大利亞皇家空軍 、 中華民國空軍 和 北約 各 空軍 使用。
GBU-10铺路二式激光制导炸弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
GBU-10铺路二式雷射制导炸弹(英文:GBU-10 Paveway II)是基于Mk 84通用炸弹的美国铺路系列 雷射导引炸弹,带有雷射导引头和机翼进行制导。 目前有 美国空军 、 美国海军 、 美国海军陆战队 、 澳大利亚皇家空军 、 中华民国空军 和 北约 各 空军 使用。
Raytheon Paveway II - Designation-Systems.Net
The designation GBU-50/B covers Raytheon Enhanced Paveway II GPS/INS-equipped GBU-10/B variants, which are informally also known as EGBU-10.
The Paveway II Plus LGB kit from Lockheed Martin integrates a highly cost-effective advanced guidance system to convert conventional gravity bombs into precision-guided munitions. The guidance package inside the MAU-209D/B computer control group provides enhanced performance at an affordable price, ensuring more bombs on target! As demonstrated
Guided Bomb Unit-10 (GBU-10) Paveway II - Smart Weapons
1998年2月19日 · The Guided Bomb Unit-10 (GBU-10) utilizes the 2,000-pound general purpose or penetrating warhead. The operator illuminates a target with a laser designator and then the munition guides to a spot of laser energy reflected from the target.
GBU-12, GBU-16, AND GBU-10 (PAVEWAY II) - tpub.com
GBU-12, GBU-16, AND GBU-10 (PAVEWAY II) The GBU-12, GBU-16, and GBU-10 (PAVEWAY II) guided bomb units (GBUs) (fig. 1-27) are Mk 82/BLU-111, Mk 83/BLU-110, and Mk 84/BLU-117 LDGP bombs configured to detect a target illuminated by a laser beam.
USA - GBU-10/B Paveway I/II : United States of America (USA)
GBU-10/B Paveway I In 1965 (approximately at the same time was also a failed attack USAF in north vietnam bridge Thanh Hoa) met a group of officers in the u.s. air force with engineers, ground troops and jointly discussed the new program of the army, which counted with the guidance of the artillery with a laser.
Texas Instruments Paveway I & Pave Storm - Designation …
A 2000 lb class MK 84 bomb with a Paveway I or Paveway II guidance kit (CCG + airfoil group) is designated as GBU-10/B. Known designations of GBU-10/B Paveway I variants include: Designation