The Toxic GBV Tree Psychological Consequences Socio-economic Consequences FGM Physical Consequences Lack of education Poverty Con˚ict Lack of police protection Substance abuse Verbal abuse Consequences GBV types Root causes. Title: GVB_Tree_poster Created Date:
Boys on the Move: The Toxic GBV Tree - UNFPA EECA
Boys on the Move Participant Book (1st edition) – Targets younger adolescent boys and has been rolled out successfully in Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia. Boys on the Move Facilitator Book (2nd edition) – Targets older adolescent boys and young men and has been rolled out successfully in Italy.
Unit 2: Core Concepts: Gender-Based Violence - IAWG
2023年3月19日 · This unit explains the link between gender-based violence and violations of human rights, describes the guiding principles for working with survivors of sexual violence, and examines how social norms can affect survivors’ ability to seek help and access care.
The key aspects of GBV can be visualized through the GBV Tree: GBV is rooted in the abuse of power, gender inequality and disrespect for human rights. GBV can take different forms, including sexual violence, sexual exploitation, child marriage and intimate partner violence (IPV).
Draw a GBV tree on a flipchart. Ask them to write what they think the causes of GBV are on individual post-its. Invite them to affix the post-its on the root of the GBV tree, telling the rest of the group their thoughts as they go. Ask the whole group to come and rearrange the post-its so that the most important/deepest causes are the deepest ...
GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE RISKS - ppt download - SlidePlayer
Gender-based Violence (GBV) is an umbrella term for any harmful act that is perpetrated against a person’s will and that is based on socially ascribed (i.e. gender) differences between males and females. It includes acts that inflict physical, sexual or mental harm or suffering, threats of such acts, coercion, and other deprivations of liberty.
Core Concepts on Gender-Based Violence (Facilitator's Guide)
2018年3月20日 · The module will: - Explain terms and terminology used for building the understanding of GBV within the system of protection; - Explain the root-causes of GBV; - Explain the basic elements of...
Problem Tree | PDF | Violence | Thought - Scribd
The document presents a problem tree and objective tree related to violence against women. The problem tree shows how factors such as isolation, unwanted pregnancy, and mental health issues are rooted causes of violence against women. It also illustrates how violence against women can lead to physical injuries, depression, and even femicide.
GBV Risk Mitigation modules in this manual are designed for all community leaders and can also be relevant for GBV teams. The training modules focus on identifying community-level GBV risks and setting plans to
GenderBased$ Violence$(GBV)$ GENDERBASEDVIOLENCE (GBV) isan umbrellaterm$ for$ any harmful act that is perpetrated against a person’s will, andthatis basedonsociallyascribed(i.e.,,