GitHub - TuomoKu/SPX-GC: SPX is a graphics control client for …
2024年12月19日 · Manage and control HTML graphics in live production. SPX runs locally on your computer or in the cloud and works seamlessly with OBS, vMIX, LiveU Studio, ToolsOnAir, CasparCG, Wirecast, XSplit, MimoLive, TopDirector, Tricaster, LiveOS, Tellyo, Sienna, AWS Elemental or any other video pipeline supporting HTML overlays.
Free SPX-GC HTML graphics enginen (Open Source) 1.0 - OBS
2020年9月4日 · We are happy to announce the 1.0 release of SmartPX Graphics Controller “GC”, a browser based application to control HTML graphics on one or more CasparCG servers and/or live streaming applications such as OBS, Wirecast and vMix. Key features: Browser based UI; Runs locally as a server (Windows, Mac, Linux) or in a cloud instance
Government of Canada jobs - Canada.ca
Sign in or create a GC Jobs account; Federal Student Work Experience Program; Rates of pay for Government of Canada employees
SPX - Live Graphics Software and Creative Services
SPX Graphics is an ecosystem of professional graphics tools and services, all with the goal of making live graphics workflow simpler. We believe that 80% of all broadcast graphics can be replaced with SPX for a fraction of the cost, without sacrificing quality or reliability. Our core concept is being "open".
2022年8月29日 · obsでトランジションを設定する方法は以下の通りです。 トランジションとは、シーン間を移行する際にアニメーション効果を加える機能です。 ここでは...
AverMedia - Live Gamer ULTRA ~ GC553 Windows 7 supported files: tools, engine, utilities, firmware, download manager and installer applications for use with Streamlabs and OBS. Resources Readme
obs-studio/plugins/win-capture/game-capture.c at master - GitHub
OBS Studio - Free and open source software for live streaming and screen recording - obsproject/obs-studio
SPX Knowledge Base | How to use SPX with OBS Studio
This video will show you how to set up your SPX with OBS Studio. In detail, you can do the following steps: 1. Open the SPX configuration by clicking on the SPX logo on the top left. 2. Copy the browser URL from the Web Playout Layer. 3. Open OBS and add a browser to the Sources. 4.
OBS 源码分析- 采集方案之三(游戏采集) - 代码先锋网
所以,游戏这种捕获,OBS采用了独立功能和产品模块来实现捕获,以获取最佳性能。 为了能掌控渲染帧数的变化,实时获取图像帧数据,基本方式是:注入 + 绘制函数Hook。 TODO: 未完待续. init_hook. 共享纹理. 1、共享内存. gc->copy_texture(gc); obs_leave_graphics(); } 2、纹理共享. 版权声明:本文为tuan8888888原创文章,遵循 CC 4.0 BY-SA 版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接和本声明。 darray是obs中一个典型的线性表数据结构,实现了C++中模板的特性。 在#define …
GC550 + OBSでゲーム画面を映すための設定方法 - 新・VIPで初 …
2024年9月7日 · 【OBS】マイク音量が小さいときの対処法。コンプレッサーなど全6種類 . OBS Studio(以下OBS)で マイクの音が小さい(自分の声が小さい) マイクが音を拾ってくれない マ...