G&G GC16 "Predator" M4 Airsoft AEG Rifle with Keymod Rail (Package ...
The GC16 Predator offers an entirely redesigned full metal receiver, borrowing from the ever popular billet style that has been seen more and more in the firearms world. Other improvements include and ambidextrous magazine release, ambidextrous mock charging handle, metal keymod handguard and a selector switch with a heavy duty detent that ...
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* GLR16和GLD16模式为GL16基于“REAGL”的进阶版,提供边缘残影的优化。 在产品化阶段,厂商可以有针对性地进行刷新模式选择,以适合于阅读、书写、翻页乃至播放视频等诸多场景。 一般地,显示效果和和刷新速度已经残影有某种内在的反比关联,一般厂商都会把这种选择权提供给用户选择。 当然也有头铁的厂商,坚持自己的处理模式,并且有说辞云:既然您接受翻纸质书的视觉干扰,为何不能接受电子书翻页的闪屏呢? 不过貌似现在已经从善如流地学国内厂商做优化 …
G&G 怪怪 GC16 Warthog 9吋 全金屬電動槍,電槍 - KUI酷愛國際 …
G&G 怪怪 GC16 Warthog 9吋 全金屬電動槍 6段式伸縮槍托(GOS-V3):獨特卡榫設計,將槍托調整你所需要的位置, 釋放桿鎖定,槍托即不會移動,穩定性大幅提升。
G&G GC16 Predator Airsoft M4 AEG Rifle - Black | RedWolf
The GC16 Predator offers an entirely redesigned full metal receiver, borrowing from the ever popular billet style that has been seen more and more in the firearms world.
G&G GC16 Predator Full Metal AEG Airsoft Gun
The GC16 Predator offers an entirely redesigned full metal receiver, borrowing from the ever popular billet style that has been seen more and more in the firearms world. Other improvements include and ambidextrous magazine release, ambidextrous mock charging handle, metal keymod handguard and a selector switch with a heavy duty detent that ...
G&G GC16 Predator Wire-Cutter Keymod Airsoft AEG - Airsoft …
The G&G GC16 Predator features a futuristic 10-Slot Wire-Cutter Keymod Rail with Upgraded Electronic Trigger Unit, Burst Fire Mode, Ergonomic Accessories
G&G GC16 SR CQB M4 AEG Airsoft Rifle ( Black )
The GC16 SR CQB starts with a Telescoping crane-style stock in the back. This stock has plenty of room to fit a LiPO battery comfortably for all-day play and maximum power. A Keymod rail upfront gives you plenty of space for scopes options for …
G&G GC16 Predator 10-Slot Wire-Cutter Keymod Rail Airsoft AEG
G&G GC16 Predator 10-Slot Wire Cutter Keymod Rail Airsoft AEG Rifle Product Highlights: Unique 10 Slot Keymod Free Float Modular Rail System with Wire-Cutter shaped Front; Reinforced Ultra-Durable Aluminum Upper & Lower Receivers ; In-Line MOSFET; Electronic Trigger Unit capable of 3-Round Burst Firing
G&G GC16 Predator Full Metal Airsoft Gun Black
The G&G GC16 Predator Full Metal Airsoft Gun Black features a unique rail system, full metal body, ambidextrous mag and selector switch, programmable 3-rnd burst fire mode.
G&G GC16 Predator KeyMod M4 Carbine AEG Airsoft Rifle
Prey onto your foes with G&G's latest airsoft gun, the Combat Machine GC16 Predator. The airsoft gun has G&G's latest internals for the best set up for a limited budget. The body of the airsoft gun is made of metal for a more realistic weight and construction.
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