Accessing GCC on a cloud for compilation - Stack Overflow
2013年3月11日 · We are building a cloud service to provide"Compilation As A Service". We have an Ubuntu 12.04 VM on Azure. We managed to install GCC on the VM as well. Now we are building the frontend on Visual Studio. In that we have a text box which would hold the code. But we are unable to figure out how to use GCC to process the code?
azure - Microsoft MAC, MAG or GCC differences - Stack Overflow
2019年3月11日 · There are several cloud environment provided by Microsoft. E.g. Microsoft Azure Government Cloud (MAG), Microsoft Azure Commercial (MAC) or public cloud, Office 365 (public) cloud and several other Government cloud in EU and Asia. For US Gov there is Office 365 GCC cloud. Is Office 365 GCC meant for US Government only?
Can Microsoft Information Protection SDK work with GCC or …
2021年3月11日 · Cloud = Cloud.US_GCC_High }; Share. Improve this answer. Follow edited Mar 25, 2021 at 10: 47. answered ...
cloud - Adding Azure Boards in GCC High? - Stack Overflow
2022年9月23日 · So, I'm working in an enviornment that utilizes GCC High/365 Gov't Community Cloud High. I haven't seen any documentation online (or I could be missing it entirely) on if it can support Azure boards? We'd love to set up an Azure Board for our company branches to more effectively communicate, along with general bug reporting and issue tracking.
GCC or Clang Version on Amazon AWS Cloud 9? - Stack Overflow
2018年12月19日 · When using Cloud 9 (now owned by Amazon and run as part of their AWS service) as an onlinet IDE for C and C++, and other compiled languages, it seems to create a virtual machine that uses version 4.8.5 of GCC.
GCC compilation on Azure using a GUI - Stack Overflow
2013年3月6日 · Getting GCC into the cloud VM is as easy as doing it on a local machine. For ubuntu: sudo apt-get install build-essential GUI's are harder. The Eclipse GUI will work great on a local machine, but can't easily be used on a cloud server.
Why does Cloud Functions perform so low yet so expensive?
2019年4月17日 · Cloud Functions is intended to glue together other parts of your system without having to create and manage a formal infrastructure for it. The main benefits is effortless scaling (up and down), paying only for resources used, and the ability to trigger on events that occur in your GCP project.
gcc - How can I fix the following Google Cloud Platform …
2017年5月5日 · I understand that last package (go-sqlite3) needs gcc compiler, and Google Cloud WM has it:
GCC Cloud Function internal server error 500 - Stack Overflow
2022年8月1日 · I have a firestore database that I want to backup regulalry using google cloud's scheduler alongside google cloud function.
c++ - Update GCC on Ubuntu - Stack Overflow
2023年2月8日 · For example, if you install gcc-9 and gcc-10, both executables are present as /usr/bin/gcc-9 and /usr/bin/gcc-10 but only one of them is visible as gcc. This happens by symlinking a preferred version to the same directory as /usr/bin/gcc. In ubuntu 20.04, the preferred version is gcc-9 and so, gcc-9 is symlinked as gcc.