General Certificate of Education - Wikipedia
The General Certificate of Education (GCE) is a subject-specific family of academic qualifications used in awarding bodies in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Crown dependencies and a few Commonwealth countries.
Cambridge International General Certificate of Education
The Cambridge International General Certificate of Education: Advanced Level (formally also known as the University of Cambridge International General Certificate of Education: Advanced Level ; informally also known as International (GCE) A-Level (s), Cambridge (GCE) A-Level (s) or Cambridge International (GCE) AS and A Level) [1][2] is an inter...
GCSE,IGCSE,A Level 和 IB 到底有什么区别?应该选哪个? - 知乎
IGCSE是“ 国际中等教育通用证书 (International General Certificate for Secondary Education)”的缩写。 它是GCSE课程的国际版,是为全世界的学生设计的。 适合国内初三毕业或者高一学生。 IGCSE的学制也是两年,提供超过七十门科目课程。 学生要研读最少5门最多14门科目。 大部分学校都要求学生在 IGCSE 阶段至少学习 5-14 门课,其中 数学 、 英语 、 科学是必修的核心课程。 此外,学生可以从其他选修课中选择自己感兴趣的课程。 在申请英国大学时,学校会十分注 …
通用教育证书 - 百度百科
通用教育证书(General Certificate of Education,简称GCE)是一种使用英语教育系统国家的考试制度,1951年起主要在英格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰实行,后推广到英国各殖民地,一般来讲是一年两次。 1947年,英国将中学从3年制改为4年制,学生因此能够选修更多课程。 1951年英国政府决定用GCE取代较早的HSC和SC系统。 在GCE制度中,高中毕业生(16岁)参加普通程度考试(GCE 'O' Level),大学预科毕业生(18岁)参加高级程度考试(GCE A-Level)。
英国学历与学位等级如何划分?最全科普来了! - 知乎
中国和英国实行两种完全不同的教育制度,对于初次申请英国学校的同学来说,一定会碰到不少令人头疼的事儿,例如在各大院校官网查看电影专业申请要求时,通常会看到这么一条说明:国际学生需要具有英国 2:1荣誉学位 或同等学位。 那么这个学位是什么意思呢? 不论2:1或2:2荣誉学位,都是对学生在校学习成果的成绩证明,就像国内学生在毕业时,我们可以通过他们的均分或者绩点来了解他们在校的学习情况。 中国和英国实行两种完全不同的教育制度,对于初次申请英 …
GCE Ordinary Level - Wikipedia
Those three jurisdictions replaced O-Level gradually with General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) completely by 1988 and, the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) over time. The Scottish equivalent …
General Certificate Of Education: International Education Explained ...
2024年7月19日 · The General Certificate of Education, often abbreviated as GCE, is a globally recognised qualification that is awarded to students upon the successful completion of their secondary or pre-university education. This qualification is highly regarded and accepted by universities and employers around the world.
A-Level与GCE的介绍和区别-渊学通教育 - yxuetong.com
2023年6月17日 · 其次,GCE是General Certificate of Education的缩写,是英国的综合性教育证书。 GCE由两个层级组成,分为Advanced Subsidiary Level (AS-Level)和Advanced Level(A-Level)。 AS-Level相当于A-Level的第一年课程,它提供了学科的基础知识和理解。 学生可以选择参加AS-Level考试,也可以继续修读第二年的A-Level课程,并参加A-Level考试。 A-Level和GCE之间的主要区别在于课程和考试的结构。 在A-Level课程中,学生通常选择3-4门学科进 …
Cambridge International Examinations | Centre for International
Students who complete college education in CIE are qualified to pursue an International Diploma and Euro-MBA locally. GCE “A” Level is the “gold standard” of Cambridge International Examinations qualifications. It has exactly the same value in admitting students to all universities as its UK equivalent.
General Certificate of Education (GCE) - Definition, Usage & Quiz
Delve into the General Certificate of Education (GCE), its history, structure, and significance in international education. Understand the differences between O and A levels, and their impact on students' academic and career paths.
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