Gram per cubic centimetre - Wikipedia
The gram per cubic centimetre is a unit of density in the CGS system, and is commonly used in chemistry. It is defined by dividing the CGS unit of mass, the gram, by the CGS unit of volume, …
千克/立方米和克/立方厘米换算 - 密度单位换算
密度换算器为你提供千克/立方米和克/立方厘米的换算,请在上面输入想要转换的千克/立方米 (kg/m³)数,再点击“立即转换”即可。 或者你需要的是 克/立方厘米和千克/立方米的换算。
密度单位在线换算 -- EndMemo
Convert g/ (cm^3) to g/ (m^3) - Conversion of Measurement Units
How many g/ (cm^3) in 1 g/ (m^3)? The answer is 1.0E-6. We assume you are converting between gram/cubic centimetre and gram/cubic metre. You can view more details on each …
1g/cm3等于多少kg/m3 - 百度知道
1g/cm^3=1000kg/m^3。 重量的基本单位吨、千克、克、毫克。 各单位之间可进行相互转换: 1吨=1000千克=1000000克=1000000000毫克。 1千克=1000克=1000000毫克。 体积的基本单位 …
Density Converter
Free online density converter - converts between 42 units of density, including kilogram/cubic meter, gram/cubic centimeter, kilogram/cubic centimeter, gram/cubic meter [g/m^3], etc. Also, …
GCM 3 - Radiomuseum
GCM 3 Microphone/PU Grundig Ltd., London, build 1956/1957, 5 pictures, Great Britain , schematics, tubes, semiconductors, Microphone or Pick-up element
Convert g/cm3 to kg/m3 - Conversion of Measurement Units
How many g/cm3 in 1 kg/m3? The answer is 0.001. We assume you are converting between gram/cubic centimetre and kilogram/cubic metre. You can view more details on each …
cm-3意思密度的单位有g/cm3 kg/m3,但是我不懂的就是g/cm-3和kg/m-3 …
g/cm3是克每立方厘米的意思.那个3应该是立方,打不出来. kg/m3是千克每立方米的意思. 没有g/cm-3和kg/m-3 应该写成g·cm-3或者kg·m-3 cm-3是厘米的负三次方的意思,相当于/cm3
Convert Gram per cubic centimeter (g/cm³) (Density)
How much is 1 Gram per cubic centimeter (g/cm³)? Measurement calculator that can be used to convert Gram per cubic centimeter (g/cm³), among others. (Density)