GCM 8 SJL Sliding Mitre Saw | Bosch Professional
Less weight, less dust, more performance: the compact GCM 8 SJL Professional offers cleaner solutions when it comes to cutting through large workpieces. Its cutting capacity of 70 mm vertical and 312 mm horizontal makes it ideal for sawing large workpieces.
Bosch GCM 8 SJL Mitre Saw Review | GCM8SJL Guide
The Bosch GCM 8 SJL Review. Stepping into the mid price range the Bosch GCM 8 SJL sliding mitre saw offers precision, high build quality and power. Perfectly priced, it will suit the DIY enthusiast that is looking for that extra but of quality, yet robust enough for any tradesman.
BOSCH 博世 木工切斷機 GCM 8 SJL - PChome 24h購物
BOSCH 博世 木工切斷機 GCM 8 SJL - Bosch│插電電動工具, 強大的水平切割能力 精確切割用的雷射光線 輕巧的17公斤重量, 找BOSCH 博世 木工切斷機 GCM 8 SJL推薦就來PChome 24h購物,多元支付,超值,優惠,可靠迅速,您的網路購物的首選
Bosch 0601B19170 GCM8SJL Single Bevel Sliding Mitre Saw, …
Less weight, less dust, more performance: With the compact GCM 8 SJL Professional, you can cut large workpieces without making a mess. Its cutting capacity of 70 mm vertical and 312 mm horizontal makes it ideal for sawing large workpieces.
- 评论数: 533
GCM 8 SJL Professional | Bosch
Die GCM 8 SJL Professional eignet sich für Quer-, Gehrungs-, Neigungs- und Nutenschnitte in Holz, Holzbalken und Holzverbundwerkstoffen sowie Plattenmaterialien und Fußbodenplatten. Sie ist kompatibel mit dem Bosch Click & Clean-Staubabsaugsystem sowie …
View and Download Bosch GCM 8 SJL original instructions manual online. Sliding Mitre Saw. GCM 8 SJL saw pdf manual download. Also for: Gcm 8 sjl professional.
BOSCH GCM 8 SJL Professional 滑軌式角度切斷機 | 木百貨
品名:GCM 8 SJL 木工切斷機 (含鋸片) 尺寸:長 460 X 寬 910 X 高 630 (mm) 重量:17.3 kg 輸入功率:1,250 W 空載轉速:5,500 rpm 鋸片直徑:216 mm 鋸片內孔:25.4 mm 切割能力:0° 70 x 312 mm 切割能力:斜接45° 70 x 225 mm 切割能力:傾斜45° 45 x 225 mm 角度設定:47 ° L / 2 ° R
- 评论数: 2
Bosch GCM 8 SJL Review - Professional 216mm Sliding Mitre Saw
Here you will find our Bosch GCM 8 SJL review. This is a 216mm sliding mitre saw and part of the Bosch Professional range of tools. It has a cutting capacity of 70mm (2.75") in the vertical position and a 312mm (12.3") horizontal capacity for larger workpieces.
Bosch GCM 8 SJL 216mm Slide Mitre Saw - Axminster Tools
With its large capacity and ability to make precision cuts, this powerful slide mitre saw is suited to a host of cutting tasks for the professional and home user alike. Offering a cutting capacity of 70 x 312mm at 0°, it has one of the largest cutting capacities of any 216mm (8") saw on the market.
Bosch GCM 8 SJL, Från 4195 kr - Prisjakt
Det billigaste priset för Bosch GCM 8 SJL just nu är 4 195 kr. Det är den populäraste produkten i kategorin Geringssågar med ett genomsnittligt betyg på 4.2 av 5. Prisjakt jämför priser och erbjudande från 21 butiker.
- 评论数: 10