Grey component replacement - Wikipedia
If the grey component is replaced by black ink, the same color is being achieved by using two primaries and black. The substitution of black for the grey component is described as grey component replacement (GCR). [1] In GCR, contrary to under color removal (UCR), the CMY values that add to grey all along the tone scale can be replaced with ...
色彩理论之UCR和GCR分色 - ColorTell色彩管理
gcr是一种用适量的k来替代可察觉非彩色cmy部分的黑版生成技术。 可以把所有的颜色都看成是由两部分—非彩色(灰色)成分和彩色成分组成。 非彩色成分可以由混合的CMYK来印刷。
Gray Component Replacement (GCR)is the separation technique to replace cyan, magenta and yellow wherever they overprint to produce neutral gray. This process is also known as achromatic color separation .
底色去除 (UCR)与灰成份替代 (GCR)
本文主要讲述从RGB转换到CMYK时,分色设定(Separation setup)中两类选项GCR和UCR的基本概念,参数设定及其对印刷品质量的影响。 同时分析了参数设定与印刷材料的关系,参数设定与原稿类型的关系,同时给出若干典型的、有指导意义的参考数据。
GCR - ColorWiki
2019年11月2日 · The advantages of the use of GCR include: Ink savings (black ink is less costly than CMY inks, and GCR enables less ink to be used overall), Color stability (Printing is less susceptible to color changes and shifts.)
We proposed an algorithm of maximal GCR based on color matching, i.e. the black is introduced in a way that preserves the color (before and after GCR). In the algorithm, the primary with the smallest tonal value is completely removed while the other two are reduced and the black is added according to the color matching calculations.
The Color Key - ColorWiki
2011年5月3日 · This kind of color replacement is called Gray Component Replacement (GCR). If the color range affected by this replacement is limited to dark, near-neutral colors, then it is called Under Color Removal (UCR). GCR, on the other hand, can be applied to neutral and non-neutral colors that are either light or dark. That brings us back to the "how ...
UCR and GCR may be incorporated into CMYK color separations during the conversion process. Undercolor removal reduces the amount of cyan, magenta, and yellow primarily
Gray Component Replacement (GCR) | Color Printing Forum
2007年5月12日 · Gray Component Replacement, abbreviated GCR, is a technique for replacing gray tones otherwise made from yellow, cyan and magenta separations instead with black ink. Black ink can be less costly than CMY inks. Brighter colors can sometimes be obtained on lower grade papers through the use of GCR. GCR may reduce the ability to adjust some colors.
Photoshop中的黑色与GCR、UCR、UCA - 豆丁网
gcr 是用黑色替换任何色调范围内的cmy中性灰,而ucr 则是替换在阴暗区 域中的黑色。 它用于在阴影区降低总油墨覆盖量,同时又增强了细节。