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2022年9月16日 · Wider band gap, higher breakdown electric field, higher thermal conductivity, higher electron saturation rate, higher radiation resistance... The company's silicon carbide power devices cover 650V/2A-100A, 1200V/2A-90A, 1700V/5A-80A and other series.
GD3160_面向SiC MOSFET的先进单通道栅极驱动器 - NXP
GD3160是一种改进的、先进的单通道高压隔离栅驱动器,具有驱动和保护碳化硅 (SiC)MOSFET以及功能安全的增强功能。 借助GD3160的SPI可编程驱动、保护和故障报告功能,用户可以优化驱动并保护几乎任何SiC MOSFET或Si IGBT电源开关的条件。 GD3160符合ISO26262和汽车标准,集成了BOM节省和功能安全功能,可支持实施符合ASIL D要求和功率密度高效的xEV逆变器解决方案。 该产品包含在 恩智浦产品长期供货计划,确保为您的嵌入式设计提供稳定的产品供应 …
Modelling Gd-diamond and Gd-SiC neutron detectors
2024年10月1日 · A custom Monte Carlo (MC) computer model was developed to simulate thermal neutron absorption in, and subsequent photon and electron emission from, natural Gd with a view to using the material as a neutron conversion layer for neutron detectors.
GD3160 | Advanced Single-Channel Gate Driver for SiC MOSFETs
The GD3160 is an improved, advanced single-channel high-voltage isolated gate driver with enhanced features for driving and protecting silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFETs and functional safety. The GD3160's SPI programmable drive, protection and fault reporting features allow users to optimize conditions for driving and protecting almost any SiC ...
A MHz-Pulse-Transformer Isolated Gate Driver With Signal-Power ...
2022年3月9日 · This article presents a signal-power integrated GD for MV SiC mosfets with a compact footprint. The proposed GD transmits both the pulsewidth modulation (PWM) signal and GD power by 20-MHz modulated class-E resonant flyback converters, where the transmitted GD power can maintain constant within the full PWM duty-cycle range (i.e., 0%–100%).
第三代半导体材料-碳化硅(SiC)详述 - CSDN博客
2023年12月31日 · 碳化硅(SiC)是第三代半导体材料的典型代表,属于III-V族化合物,是无色透明的晶体,实际产业应用中,因所含杂质的种类和含量不同,而呈浅黄、绿、蓝乃至黑色。 SiC晶体呈现 多态,有200多种晶体结构,区别在于每对Si-C原子堆垛次序不同。 在沿密排方向原子堆垛过程中,由于沿晶轴方向每对Si-C原子层可以有各种不同的堆垛次序,从而构成了大量不同的Si-C原子层周期结构的SiC多型体。 每对连贯的Si-C原子层在原有的Si-C原子层上以密排形式堆 …
Design and mechanical properties of SiC reinforced
2023年9月1日 · The micro-domain mechanical properties of 6061Al alloy and Gd 2 O 3 /6061Al composite and SiC/Gd 2 O 3 /6061Al composite were studied by using Nano-Indenter G-200. The fabricated composite specimens were checked in tension at a constant crosshead displacement rate of 0.2 mm/min utilizing a universal test machine DNS 200material testing machine.
Effects of Gd element and SiC particles on ... - ScienceDirect
2014年9月1日 · The effects of the Gd element and SiC particles to the microstructures of the Cf/Mg composite were investigated by optical microscope (OM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques.
GD3100 | Single-Channel Gate Driver for IGBTs/SiC MOSFETs
The GD3100 is an advanced single-channel gate driver for IGBTs/SiC. Integrated Galvanic isolation and low on-resistance drive transistors provide high charging and discharging current, low dynamic saturation voltage and rail-to-rail gate voltage control.
Isolated GD solutions for SiC MOSFETs. (a) Conventional
The conventional isolated gate driver (GD) solution for the medium-voltage (MV) SiC mosfet separates the signal and power transmissions and requires a bulky GD power supply (GDPS).