鸟苷二磷酸解离促进因子 - 百度百科
可将小G蛋白Rab上的鸟苷二磷酸解离抑制因子(GDI)置换的一种蛋白质。 当膜转运发生时,GDF将GDI从Rab上换掉后,使Rab从细胞质中回到膜上,与鸟苷酸交换因子(GEF)相互作用,GEF将GDP换成GTP,从而激活Rab。
Identification of a GDI displacement factor that releases endosomal …
We report here the identification of a novel, membrane‐associated protein factor that can release prenylated Rab proteins from GDI. This GDI‐displacement factor (GDF) is not a guanine nucleotide exchange factor because it did not influence the intrinsic rates of nucleotide exchange by Rabs 5, 7 or 9.
A GDI/GDF-like system for sorting and shuttling ciliary proteins
Rab and Rho are small G proteins which are prenylated and targeted to membranes in complex with solubilizing factors called guanosine dissociation inhibitors (GDIs). The release of Rab and Rho at the correct destination from their cognate GDI has been proposed to be mediated through GDI displacement factors.
“Getting It On”—GDI Displacement and Small GTPase
2003年11月1日 · Membrane recruitment is initiated by the GDF, a membrane protein that displaces Rab-GDI from the cytosolic heterodimer with prenylated Rab. This is followed by GEF-mediated nucleotide exchange after which Rab-GDI cannot back-extract the Rab protein, which is now available to interact with effectors.
A Bifunctional Bacterial Protein Links GDI Displacement to Rab1 ...
2007年11月9日 · It is believed that specialized proteins are required to displace GDI from Rab GTPases before Rab activation by guanosine diphosphate–guanosine 5′-triphosphate (GDP-GTP) exchange factors (GEFs). Here, we found that SidM from Legionella pneumophila could act as both GEF and GDI-displacement factor (GDF) for Rab1. Rab1 released from GDI was ...
GDIs: central regulatory molecules in Rho GTPase activation
2005年7月1日 · In resting cells, Rho GTPase–GDI complexes are cytosolic and non-interactive. In response to cell stimulation, Rho GTPases are induced to dissociate from GDI through the actions of GDI displacement factors (GDFs), lipids with complex dissociative activity and/or through kinase-mediated phosphorylation of GDI (Step 1).
Yip3 catalyses the dissociation of endosomal Rab–GDI complexes
2003年10月23日 · However, a GDI-displacement factor (GDF) facilitates the generation of free Rab9, which can then exchange bound GDP for 35 S-GTPγS (Fig. 1b) 10. This method can detect a GDF, or...
Purification and Properties of Yip3/PRA1 as a Rab GDI …
2005年1月1日 · The components of the GDF reaction are the Rab–GDI substrate, a test GDF sample or purified Yip3, and radiolabeled GTPγS. Rab–GDI complexes are produced using recombinant prenylated Rab proteins, purified from the membranes of expressing SF9 insect cells, and purified bovine brain GDIα.
GEF,GAP和GDI对Rab活性的分子控制。,Small GTPases - X-MOL
此外,它们可以通过C末端的异戊二烯基半胱氨酸残基与膜结合,并且可以通过称为GDP离解抑制剂(GDI)的分子伴侣样分子溶解并在膜之间穿梭。 在这篇综述中,我们概述了Rab蛋白,重点是对GEF,GAP和GDI对其调节的最新了解。 Molecular control of Rab activity by GEFs, GAPs and GDI. Rab proteins are the major regulators of vesicular trafficking in eukaryotic cells.
Rab and Rho are small G proteins which are prenylated and targeted to membranes in complex with solubilizing factors called guanosine dissociation inhibitors (GDIs). The release of Rab and Rho at the correct destination from their cognate GDI has been proposed to be mediated through GDI displacement factors.