Gestational Diabetes - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2024年7月14日 · Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is typically defined as hyperglycemia that is diagnosed or develops during pregnancy. GDM is often divided into classes, primarily diet-controlled GDM (class A1GDM) or GDM requiring pharmacologic treatment of hyperglycemia (class A2GDM). [1] .
Gestational Diabetes Classification A1-A2 | DIABETES LOG
Gestational diabetes classification A1: Non-insulin dependent - diet controlled. unusual oral glucose permissiveness test (OGTT), but usual blood glucose levels during fasting and two hours after meals; diet modification is sufficient to moderate glucose levels.
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Screening and Management
2023年1月2日 · Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) has become increasingly prevalent worldwide. Class A1GDM refers to diet-controlled GDM. Class A2GDM refers to the clinical scenario where medications are required. The following synopsis highlights key practice points from various professional organizations. Screening for GDM – One or Two Step?
A1级:空腹血糖 (FBG) <5.8mmol/L,经饮食控制,餐后2小时血糖<6.7mmol/L。 A1级GDM母儿合并症较少,产后糖代谢异常多能恢复正常。 A2级:经饮食控制,FBG>5.8mmol/L,餐后2 …
Gestational Diabetes - ACOG
2020年3月26日 · To help you educate your patients and provide the latest care, this topic center provides a broad range of gestational diabetes resources, including clinical guidance, educational materials, and more.
GDM 指妊娠期发生的糖代谢异常[3,12],不包含孕前已经存在的T1DM 或T2DM。 妊娠期产前检查发现血糖升高的程度已经达到非孕期糖尿病的标准,应诊断为PGDM 而非GDM。 OGTT 检查的方法如下:准备进行OGTT检查前禁食8~10 h;检查前连续正常饮食,即每日进食碳水化合物不少于150 ...
妊娠期高血糖诊治指南(2022) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
(3) GDM:包括 A1型和 A2型,其中经过营养管理和运动指导可将血糖控制理想者定义为 A1型GDM;需要加用降糖药物才能将血糖控制理想者定义为 A2型GDM。
Gestational Diabetes Types: A1GDM and A2GDM - Dibesity
2022年12月17日 · Diet-controlled gestational diabetes (GDM), also known as A1GDM, is a type of gestational diabetes that can be controlled without medication and responds to nutritional therapy. By modifying one’s diet and consuming fewer foods high …
2017年11月23日 · 无需药物即可控制好的GDM常常称为饮食控制的GDM或GDM A1型,需要药物以使血糖达到正常水平的GDM称为GDM A2型。 由于许多女性在怀孕前没有接受过糖尿病检查,所以区分妊娠期糖尿病和孕前糖尿病是很有挑战性的。
2023年8月17日 · 妊娠期糖尿病的分型A1通常是指GDM中的一类,即空腹血糖正常、餐后2小时血糖升高的类型。 妊娠期糖尿病中的A1型主要与孕期激素水平变化导致胰岛素抵抗增加有关。
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