6V6 tubes from Brent Jessee Recording - Audiotubes.com
Vintage tubes are currently available in three styles: a large ST shape (coke bottle) envelope which is the 6V6G and is the earliest type of 6V6; a smaller GT package encompassing the GT, GT/G, GTA, and GTY suffixes, and a metal jacketed envelope which is usually found on the 6V6 with no suffix in the number.
6V6 - Wikipedia
The 6V6 is a beam-power tetrode vacuum tube. The first of this family of tubes to be introduced was the 6V6G by Ken-Rad Tube & Lamp Corporation in late 1936, [1] with the availability by December of both Ken-Rad and Raytheon 6V6G tubes announced. [2] . It is still in use in audio applications, especially electric guitar amplifiers. [3]
The Best 6V6GT Power Tubes No One is Talking About - Fuzz Audio
In our opinion Raytheon, GE, CBS and Sylvania tubes can go toe to toe with the best of them, and so here is Fuzz Audio’s list of the best underrated 6V6GT power tubes to improve your rig’s performance.
6V6 Power Vacuum Tubes • New & NOS | Tube Depot
TubeDepot carries a selection of 6V6 Compatible Power Vacuum Tubes. New & NOS power tubes from Electro-Harmonix, Tung-Sol, Phillips, GE, JJ & more!
【真爱家族】6v6和它的兄弟们 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机 …
2023年7月28日 · 随后,RCA又推出针对家用中小型收音机用的型号6V6,再创新高,成为应用最广泛、生产批次厂牌最多、至今拥趸不绝的经典名管之一,美称“高山流水”。 原则上我认为同一型号的管子参数基本一致,不同厂家生产的差异很小。 但实际上即便是同一厂家不同年代生产的型号听感上也可能会不同,而且同参数管子可以相互直代,插来拔去对比听感正是折腾的乐趣所在,也是经典管可玩性强的优势体现。 所以这几年陆续收集了一些不同产家年份的6V6及其同参数 …
Quad NOS General Electric GE 6V6-GTA Vacuum Power Tubes
Nice Quad of NOS General Electric 6V6-GTA Vacuum Power Tubes! Ideal for Vintage guitar amps, stereo, hifi, etc... you'll enjoy them!
GE 6V6GT Tubes - Reverb
Pair of 6V6GT power tubes. Tested to work, sold as is.
GE 6V6 GTA - Reverb
GE -Canada- 6V6GT Gray Glass Made For GE Gray Glass Well Matched (7.8%) Pair NOS 6V6
6V6 Tube Types in Stock - tctubes.com vintage vacuum tubes
The 1966 military spec GE 6V6GTY tubes in this precisely matched pair have gray plates and halo getters. The white print on the brown bases has the GE logo and reads "JAN-CG-6V6GTY." Both tubes test as new and are precisely matched.
Which 6V6 Tube Is Best? - The Les Paul Forum
2013年9月21日 · Other excellent 6v6 offerings are Ken Rad (eventually bought by GE), GE, Tung Sol (USA not Russia). The good news about NOS 6V6 is that they are cheaper than NOS 6L6. The different suffix (G, GT, etc) generally correlate with a …