GE BWR - Wikipedia
BWR Type 5 (BWR-5, BWR/5): Introduced in 1969, 1100 MW (LaSalle 1–2). Same number of loops (2) & jet pumps (20), but the jet pumps were upgraded to a five nozzle design.
The BWR/5 RMCS is somewhat of a hybrid between the system used in BWR/2 through BWR/4 and the BWR/6. The system used in the BWR/6 product line is called the Rod control and …
Learning Objectives Identify the Emergency Core Cooling Systems (ECCSs) used for each BWR product line. In each BWR product line, recognize how ECCSs operate in conjunction such …
This chapter will discuss the purposes of some of the major systems and components associated with a boiling water reactor (BWR) in the generation of electrical power.
Large Boiling Water Reactors | GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy
For more than 60 years, GE and Hitachi have configured and built the world’s safest-operating boiling water reactors (BWRs). With their simple yet sound configuration, GEH has developed …
Standard technical specifications for General Electric boiling water ...
2012年7月24日 · Standard technical specifications for General Electric boiling water reactors (BWR/5) by U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. | …
Standard Technical Specifications for General Electric Boiling …
The Standard Technical Specifications for General Electric Boiling Water Reactors (GE-STS) is a generic document prepared by the U.S. NRC for use in the licensing process of current …
Standard technical specifications for General Electric boiling water ...
Standard technical specifications for General Electric boiling water reactors (BWR/5). U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. This is an uncurated …
“BWR/6: General Description of a BWR,” GE, 1980. Why are the fuel rods spaced out more in a BWR than in a PWR? Why is the core power density lower in a BWR core than in a PWR? …
The recirculation flow control system for all product lines allows individual or ganged control of each flow control device. The BWR/5 and BWR/6 product lines have an additional controller, a …