GE医疗宣布Flyrcado注射液PET放射性示踪剂获FDA批准,用于增强 …
2024年9月30日 · 作为全球领先的医疗技术和药物诊断创新者,GE HealthCare提供分子成像设备和用于心脏病学、神经病学和肿瘤学的专有放射性药物。 PDx部门是成像剂领域的全球领导者,全球每年用于支持超过1.2亿例患者手术,相当于每秒四例患者手术。 。
ระบบพนักงานราชการและลูกจ้าง (GE-PDX)
GE-PDX(Government Employee Personal Data Exchange) เข้าสู่เว็บไซต์
PDx-US-ONC-Cerianna-Patient-Advocacy - GE Healthcare
GE HealthCare Oncology Imaging Agents CERIANNA™ (fluoroestradiol F18) injection is the first FDA approved diagnostic imaging agent to detect estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) lesions in recurrent or MBC as an adjunct to biopsy.
StarGuide | SPECT/CT | GE Healthcare ANZ
Introducing StarGuide, our most advanced SPECT/CT featuring advanced Cadmium Zinc Telluride (CZT) technology designed to usher in a new era of discovery for Nuclear Medicine.
患者监护仪_报价_型号_GE医疗 | gehealthcare网
PDx-CON-Optison-Value-Pro-ASE - GE Healthcare
GE HealthCare offers Optison™ (Perflutren Protein-Type A Microspheres Injectable Suspension, USP), the only UEA that does not require a kit or equipment to prepare, and offers the most flexibility to use where and when you need it.
Pharmaceutical Diagnostics | GE HealthCare (United Kingdom)
We are the leading supplier of contrast media and molecular imaging agents for medical imaging examinations. Our products help healthcare professionals in 130 + countries to diagnose, treat …
2024年12月3日 · GE医疗早已布局 放射性核素 (Radionuclide)指原子核不稳定,在衰变成其他核素时会自发性地放出电离辐射的核素,用其制成的特殊制剂为放射性药物 ...
关于扩展现实专用平台—骁龙XR1的性能评测 - 处理器/DSP - 电子 …
2018年5月31日 · XR1 平台针对增强现实(AR)体验进行了特殊优化,通过人工智能(AI)功能提供更佳的交互性、功耗表现和热效率。 高通宣布,Meta、Vive、Vuzix和 Pi co等 厂商 已基于首款专用的 XR1 平台进行开发。
GE HealthCare – ECP
Pharmaceutical Diagnostics (PDx) business is the number one global supplier of contrast media and molecular imaging agents used to enhance medical imaging exams. Used throughout all major disease area diagnostic and treatment pathways, PDx products support three patients every second around the world. Our business is divided into 5 key segments:
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