Short-range order of compressed amorphous GeSe 2 - Nature
2015年5月14日 · In this work, the short-range atomic structure of amorphous germanium diselenide (a-GeSe 2) is studied at both Ge and Se atomic sites by performing two-edges high-pressure XAS experiments up to...
Unravelling the amorphous structure and crystallization …
2024年2月3日 · Based on XAS experiments, we develop a theoretical model of the amorphous GeTe structure, consisting of a disordered fcc-type Te sublattice and randomly arranged chains of Ge atoms in a ...
XAS/EXAFS studies of Ge nanoparticles produced by reaction between ...
2011年9月1日 · We studied formation of nano-Ge particles in an organic solvent (diglyme) by a heterogeneous metathesis/comproportionation reaction between dissolved GeCl 4 (Ge 4+) and suspended Mg 2 Ge (Ge 4−). We have characterised the solid state starting material Mg 2 Ge using XAS/EXAFS along with Raman spectroscopy.
Discovery of Ge2+ in quartz: Evidence from EPR/XAS
2025年1月19日 · In contrast, the Ge K-edge XAS spectra of the three natural quartz samples containing multiply-compensated GECs detected by EPR after artificial irradiation all indicate the presence of Ge 2+ (Fig. 4,5). Therefore, these Ge K-edge XAS results confirm the EPR interpretation for mixed Ge4 + and Ge 2+ states in the
科研干货 | 同步辐射X射线吸收(XAS): 基本原理、数据分析及电化学 …
X射线吸收细结构光谱 (X-ray absorption fine structure, XAFS)是一种基于同步辐射光源的分析方法。 它测量的基本物理量为X射线质量吸收系数μ (E)。
Two dimensional XAs (X = Si, Ge, Sn) monolayers as promising ...
2018年12月1日 · Herein, using first principle calculations, we systematically investigated a new kind of 2D XAs (X = Si, Ge, Sn). After verifying their stabilities, we found that SiAs and SnAs monolayers possess direct band gaps of 2.35 and 1.69 eV, while GeAs has an indirect band gap of 2.08 eV by HSE hybrid functional with the inclusion of spin-orbit ...
The Ge K-edge XAS signals of crystalline (c-GeSe2, dots
The Ge K-edge XAS signals of crystalline (c-GeSe2, dots) and amorphous (a-GeSe2) are compared in the left panel. Differences in the low k region and in the XAS amplitude are related to the ...
XAS Education by bruceravel - GitHub Pages
Bruce Ravel's XAS Education Materials Talks. These folders contain the LaTeX source for my talks. All talks use LaTeX and the Beamer LaTeX class. All images are included, usually as .png or .jpg files. Source material (e.g. .svg, GIMP .xcf, LibreOffice .odg, Xfig .fig) are deposited for some images and must be converted to PDF, png, or jpg.
Ge K edge XAS spectra for two Ge-Sb alloy compositions.
Figure 2 compares the XANES features for non- crystalline Ge and nano-crystalline GeTe between 20 and 70 eV above the Ge IP. The Ge film displays one feature assigned to the two Ge 3d...
同步辐射XAFS数据处理干货,教你用同步辐射玩转材料科学!-高 …
2022年10月8日 · XAS是X-ray Absorbtion Spectra的缩写,全称为X射线吸收光谱。 简单来说,同步辐射吸收谱一般用于反应样品中单个元素的价态情况、单个原子的配位环境、单个吸收原子的电子结构(轨道跃迁、杂化),是一种微观的、结构性判断的测试。 同步辐射吸收谱测试 (XAFS)是近几年随着科学研究发展而发展起来的一项重要的现代表征技术。 荧光法一般用两种探测器:即 Lytle探测器和固体探测器。 同步辐射 (Synchrotron Radiation)是速度接近光速的带电粒子在 …