General Electric GE90 - Wikipedia
The General Electric GE90 is a family of high-bypass turbofan aircraft engines built by GE Aerospace for the Boeing 777, with thrust ratings from 81,000 to 115,000 pounds-force (360 to 510 kilonewtons). It entered service with British Airways in November 1995.
N747GE - Wikipedia
N747GE is a Boeing 747 aircraft that was used by General Electric Aircraft Engines (now known as GE Aerospace) as a testbed for several of the companies jet engines between 1992 and 2017, including the GE90 for the Boeing 777, at the time, the world’s largest jet engine.
GE90 - 百度百科
ge90-115b这一型号的发动机是吉尼斯世界纪录所记载的世界上推力最大的航空发动机,地面台架试验中曾经达到过56.9吨的最大推力。 GE90在1995年11月正式投放商业市场,用于波音777系列客机。
通用電氣GE90 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
通用電氣GE90(英語: General Electric GE90 )是由通用電氣公司旗下的通用電氣航空所製造的高涵道比 渦扇發動機系列。 在GE90系列中,GE90-115B這一型號的發動機是 金氏世界紀錄 所記載的世界最高推力的民航發動機,試驗推力可達127,900磅(569 千牛頓 )(將被 GE9X ...
Will 2 GE90 Engines Work On The 747? - YouTube
2018年4月15日 · A question which many people have been asking is why doesn't Boeing just fit the 747 with 2 GE90 engines? Surely it would make the plane more economical, rig...
世界上功率最大的喷气发动机GE90简介和发动机研制概况| 陈光谈 …
2018年9月20日 · 为了对 GE90进行飞行试验,GE公司购置了一架波音747飞机,由卢卡斯公司负责改装成飞行试车台,将波音747的2发位置改成试验 GE90的试车台。 改装后的飞行试车台可测定发动机在3352~13106m高度范围内的参数。 4.2.3 新建装配工厂. GE公司还在北卡州首府 Raleigh附近的 Durham 新建一所装配 GE90发动机的装配工厂 (工厂还装配CF6 80C2发动机)。 该厂于1993年10月建成并开始总装GE90,1994年作者参观该厂时,全厂有70余人,年装配GE9070余台,平均每 …
一篇文章看懂世界推力最大发动机GE90-115B| 陈光谈航发182
2018年9月23日 · ge公司于2000年2月启动了ge90 115b的研制工作,2001年秋首台发动机试车,11月创造了世界最大推力的记录;2002年9月18日ge90 115b装在 ge公司专用的、由波音747改装的飞行试车台进行飞行试验,共飞行48次、217小时,历时152天。
Would it be possible to have twin engine 747 with GE90?
2020年5月1日 · The most powerful version of the GE90 produces as much thrust as two of the engines on some lower MTOW 747-400s. Turning the 747 into a two engine plane is practically impossible for a variety of other engineering reasons as others have pointed out.
Could two GE9x engines power a 747? - Aviation Stack Exchange
2018年5月24日 · Would a 747-8 by able to fly with the power of two GE9x engines? In theory yes, but with less cargo capacity and a lower MTOW as the engines are less powerful. However in reality a 747 will never fly with two engines because the airframe and the wings are not designed for it.
GE90-115B Prepares For Flight Aboard GE's 747 Flying Testbed
2002年2月26日 · In preparation for flight testing the GE90-115B, GEAE has modified its 747 flying testbed to incorporate structural changes to handle the engine's higher thrust. In addition, GE is fabricating a new flight inlet and fan cowling to accommodate the larger fan diameter and is modifying the original GE90 test thrust reverser.