AGSE-E100-G01 (9C6030P01) GE90 Fan Case Transfer Dolly - AGSE
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ge90-115b Three {3} Wooden Platforms Enables removal/installation of Fan Stator from/on Propulsor by providing a flat, GE90-94B elevated surface to access upper bolts & acoustic panels
AGSE-E102-G04 (9C6025P04) GE90 Uplift Shipping Stand - AGSE
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DOLLY - SEPARATION-FAN CASE - 9C6030 | Rhinestahl
Root Part Number: 9C6030. Nomenclature: DOLLY - SEPARATION-FAN CASE. Engine OEM: GE. Engine Applicability: GE90
General Electric GE90 - Wikipedia
The General Electric GE90 is a family of high-bypass turbofan aircraft engines built by GE Aerospace for the Boeing 777, with thrust ratings from 81,000 to 115,000 pounds-force (360 to 510 kilonewtons). It entered service with British Airways in November 1995.
通用電氣GE90 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
通用電氣GE90 (英語: General Electric GE90)是由 通用電氣公司 旗下的 通用電氣航空 所製造的高 涵道比 渦扇發動機 系列。 在GE90系列中,GE90-115B這一型號的發動機是 金氏世界紀錄 所記載的世界最高推力的民航發動機,試驗推力可達127,900磅(569 千牛頓)(將被 GE9X 以134,300磅/597.4千牛頓的紀錄取代。 ),相比之下 波音747 所用的引擎最大推力也僅有65,000 磅(289千牛頓)。 由於需要應付提高的扭转應力,通用電氣特別開發一種全新的GE1014鋼合 …
通用电气GE90 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
通用电气GE90(英语: General Electric GE90 )是由通用电气公司旗下的通用电气航空所制造的高涵道比 涡扇发动机系列。 在GE90系列中,GE90-115B这一型号的发动机是 金氏世界纪录 所记载的世界最高推力的民航发动机,试验推力可达127,900磅(569 千牛顿 )(将被 GE9X ...
9C6030 WASHER-THRUST - Caterpillar spare part | 777parts.com
9C6030: Part Name: WASHER-THRUST: Unit: 9U-2788 BRAKE & PLANETARY GP -2 REQUIRED: Number on the diagram: 8: Quantity on the diagram: 6: Open part list of the diagram: Buy. Models containing the spare part 9C6030 WASHER-THRUST EARTHMOVING COMPACTOR. 816F; 816F II; 815F; 815F II; ENGINE - MACHINE. 3176C; 3306; C9; TRACK-TYPE TRACTOR. D6R; WHEEL ...
9C6001G07 GE90 Shipping Stand - AGSE
GE90-115B, GE90-94B . LICENSED BY PART NO. CONFIGURATIONS ... AGSE-E100 (9C6030) Fan Case Transfer Dolly. AGSE-E111 (9C6032) Pneumatic Tire Dolly. AGSE-E167 Fan Case Transfer Dolly with Pneumatic Tires. AGSE-V147 Shipping Stand Stacking Frame. AGSE-Y002 Lightweight Self-Erecting Gantry.
GE90 Engine - GE Aerospace
Powering the twin-engine Boeing 777 aircraft, the GE90 engine combined record thrust and high reliability with lower noise, emissions, and fuel consumption to become an iconic jet engine recognized worldwide for its size and innovations. GE Aerospace has continued to invest and improve the engine.
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