Blade-to-blade grid for the GE90 HPT rotor 1. - ResearchGate
Blade-to-blade grid for the GE90 HPT rotor 1. [...] The average passage approach has been used to analyze three multistage configurations of the GE90 turbine. These are a high pressure turbine...
FAA warns of iron inclusion on Boeing 777 GE90 engine - AeroTime
2023年9月5日 · According to the FAA, GE notified the regulator of the “detection of iron inclusion in a turbine disk manufactured from the same powder metal material used to manufacture certain” high-pressure turbine (HPT) parts.
FAA Orders GE90 Engine Inspections - SamChui.com
2020年5月13日 · To perform an ultrasonic inspection of the interstage HPT rotor seal, the FAA estimates that it will take 2 hours, at a cost of $85 per hour, and each engine will cost $170. However if the replacement of the interstage HPT rotor seal …
GE90 Service Bulletins (SBs) SB 72-1166 R03 ENGINE - Stage 2 High Pressure Turbine Nozzle Assembly (72-52-00) - HPT On-Wing Borescope Inspection
Powder metal issue affects more General Electric GE90s - AirInsight
2023年9月2日 · The FAA is requesting the inspection of more General Electric GE90s, as the regulator has reason to believe that a powder metal contamination issue is affecting more parts in the high-pressure turbine area than previously thought. A notice for proposed rulemaking will be issued on September 5, which succeeds an Airworthiness Directive.
FAA Issues Another AD For GE90s | Aviation Week Network
2020年6月10日 · On May 12, the FAA issued another airworthiness directive (AD) related to the event, this one requiring initial and repetitive ultrasonic inspections of certain interstage high-pressure turbine...
high pressure turbine (HPT) stator shrouds P/N 1847M52P16 installed during a shop visit (post-GE90-100 S/B 72-0363). This Service Bulletin provides on-wing borescope inspection (BSI) procedures for the stage 1 HPT stator shrouds P/N 1847M52P16.
Steering the Iconic GE90 Through Turbulence - GE Aerospace
2020年3月6日 · One of jet propulsion’s truly audacious creations, the GE90 launched in 1990, and then faced years of technical and financial challenges during the heart of a brutal aviation recession. This month marks the 25th anniversary of the …
Technical Manual Index – March 1, 2025 Page 1/1 The GE90 Technical Manual Index has been reformatted as follows: Engine Manuals and Supporting Manuals - Section 1 – EMs (Engine Manuals)
Develop a high-pressure turbine (HPT) active clearance control system (ACC) to increase HPT efficiency throughout the engine operation range thereby reducing emissions. As part of the NASA Propulsion 21 program, GE Aircraft Engines was contracted to develop an improved high pressure turbine(HPT) active clearance control (ACC) system.