最大商用飞机发动机,GE9X强在哪里 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
风扇直径达到3.4米,堪比波音737 的最大横截面直径。 我们来看一下GE90-115B和GE9X的型号规格对比: 横向对比,GE9X发动机的直径比波音737的飞机横截面直径还要大(波音737 的机身直径是3.76米),大约有两个成年人的高度。 吉尼斯世界纪录认证纪录显示: 在2019年12月7日的测试中,GE9X发动机提供的推力达到了134300磅(约为61吨),打破了自2002年以来由GE90-115B发动机保持的127900磅(约58吨)推力的记录,成为当今世界上推力最大的商用喷气式 …
GE90 vs GE9X: Which Boeing 777 Engine Type Is Most Powerful?
2023年4月5日 · General Electric GE90 engine powers the Boeing 777 aircraft family, including five passenger models (-200, -200ER, -200LR, -300, -300ER) and a freighter version (777F). The mightier GE9X powers Boeing’s brand-new 777 line, the 777X (yet to begin commercial service).
GE90引擎直径真的比737机身大吗?不考虑经济因素用ETOPS370 …
2020年1月20日 · GE90系列一共9个衍生型号:76B,77B,85B,90B,92B,94B,110B1,110B1L和115B,前面的数字代表的就是风扇盘直径。 最大的115B风扇盘直径115英寸折合2.92米,进气道直径3.43米。 波音737机身宽3.76米,高4.01米。 GE90-115B算上整流罩勉强达到737机身直径吧。 波音777X系列的GE9X发动机,风扇盘直径3.4米,进气道直径4.5米。 这才谈得上比737机舱直径大。 百度百科谁都会搬运,但是百 …
General Electric GE90 - Wikipedia
The General Electric GE90 is a family of high-bypass turbofan aircraft engines built by GE Aerospace for the Boeing 777, with thrust ratings from 81,000 to 115,000 pounds-force (360 to 510 kilonewtons). It entered service with British Airways in November 1995.
一篇文章看懂世界推力最大发动机GE90-115B| 陈光谈航发182
2018年9月23日 · GE90-115B (图1)是在用于B777-200的 GE90-85B及用于B777-200ER的GE90 -94B的基础上衍生发展的推力加大的改型,用于B777-300ER与 B777-200LR,且是这两型飞机唯一的发动机。 发动机型号后的数字表明推力值,85、94与115分别表示发动机的推力85000、94000与11500lbf,数字后的符号B表明该发动机是用于波音公司的飞机。 因此GE90-115B发动机推力为511kN (11500lbf),是当今世界上推力最大的发动机。 图1、GE90-115B纵剖面图.
Development of the GE90 started in the mid- and late 1980s, after the CF6 family reached the limit of its thrust growth potential. The highest thrust-rated variant of the CF6-80E1 is the -80E1A3, rated at 68,530lbs thrust. The engine has a 96.2-inch fan diameter and a bypass ratio of 5.1:1. The GE90 was developed solely for the 777 family.
How Much Larger & More Powerful Is The 777X's GE9X Engine …
2025年2月9日 · According to the GE90 page on GE Aerospace's website, the GE90 was the world’s most powerful turbofan engine certified by the FAA until the GE9X. The GE90 was already a great success and powered the 777, also known as the 'triple seven,' which has since gone on to be the most-built widebody airliner ever.
Relative size B777-200 engines - Airliners.net
2022年12月5日 · Yes, the GE90-77/90 is substantially larger. The fan diameters are 110" (T800), 112" (PW4070-4090), and 123" (GE90-77/90). The GE90 looks visually bigger to me, the pylon goes up and forward a substantial amount to go over the larger diameter. Also the bypass duct looks visually larger.
The fuselage of a 737-8 vs. the mighty GE90 engines of the B777
2021年4月20日 · So far I've managed to get perfect window seats on the 777 on two flights, from where I could see the engine. 5/7 would recommend. Five out of seven? I must say, this is a grading scale like no other I've ever seen before. Just in case you don't know the reference: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/fight-club-57-movie. Meant for me or others?
Any 777-300 classics with GE90's or PW4000's? - Airliners.net
2019年6月25日 · BA 2276 involved G-VIIO, which was one of the GE90 777s. I think its the same type of problem that happened on SQ368. 2276 was the smaller GE90 and it had a compressor failure. SQ368 was the larger GE90-115B and it failed due to a crack in the MFOHE.