1999年10月2日 · GEDCOM is a file format for exchanging genealogical data between different systems. GEDCOM allows you to export your genealogy data from one application, and then import it into another. GEDCOM is a de facto standard, supported by …
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GEDCOM - Wikipedia
GEDCOM is defined as a plain text file, using UTF-8 encoding as of version 7.0. This file contains genealogical information about individuals such as names, events, and relationships; metadata links these records together. GEDCOM 7.0, released in 2021, is the most recent version of the GEDCOM specification as of July 2024. [6]
FamilySearch GEDCOM
GEDCOM enables family tree-related products to share and collaborate by transferring data with other GEDCOM-compatible software products while allowing users to preserve their original file in its present format.
GEDCOM - FamilySearch
2024年6月9日 · GEDCOM is a data structure created by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for storing and exchanging genealogical information so that many different computer programs can use it. It is identified by the file type ".ged".
How to Open and Read a GEDCOM File - ThoughtCo
2019年6月20日 · In simple terms, GEDCOM is a method of formatting your family tree data into a text file which can be easily read and converted by any genealogy software program. The GEDCOM specification was originally developed in 1985 and is owned and managed by the Family History Department of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
GEDCOM Import and Export - Geni.com
A GEDCOM import will construct a family tree focused on a particular person. If your GEDCOM file contains one or more people who have already been added to Geni, the easiest way to begin is to find that person's Geni profile and then choose "Import GEDCOM" from …
GEDCOM is a file format for genealogical data. GEDCOM is supported by practically every genealogy application. This allows you to export data from one genealogy application and import it into another. Why is it called GEDCOM? GEDCOM is originally an acronym for ge nealogical D ata com munication.
GEDCOM Specifications
1999年10月2日 · The GEDCOM 5.5.5 specification was created from an XML source file using the free, non-commercial license of Prince. That is why there is a Prince logo in the upper right corner of the first page. GEDCOM 5.5.1, previous specification, in Portable Document Format (PDF)
FamilySearch GEDCOM - genealogical data exchange
The official website for the GEDCOM specification used for storing and sharing genealogical information.