Independent School Bristol | Queen Elizabeth's Hospital | Prep …
QEH is Bristol’s leading independent day school. Founded in 1590, today QEH is made up of the Junior School (Years 3-6), Senior School (Years 7-11) and Sixth Form (Years 12 & 13). We …
Queen Elizabeth's Hospital - Wikipedia
Queen Elizabeth's Hospital (also known as QEH) is a 7–18 private boys' day school in Clifton, Bristol, England, founded in 1586. QEH is named after its original patron, Queen Elizabeth I.
About - QEH Bristol
Find out more about QEH School and why it is considered an independent centre of excellence for Juniors, Seniors and 6th form.
At GEH, we believe every student deserves a chance to succeed. That’s why we go beyond our admissions services by organizing education fairs, seminars, and workshops focused on …
Home :: George Eliot Hospital
As part of their ongoing commitment to creating a better, greener hospital site, staff and volunteers from George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust have planted 20 new… Nicola Peach, a …
Queen Elizabeth's Hospital, Bristol | The Good Schools Guide
Founded in 1586, Queen Elizabeth’s Hospital (QEH) is the oldest independent boys' school in Bristol, with a co-educational sixth form that has admitted girls since 2017. Academically …
Wards and Departments :: George Eliot Hospital - geh.nhs.uk
Return to previous menu About GEH NHS Trust. AGM. Green Plan. CQC Reports. Our vision and values. Foundation Group. Trust Board Trust Board. Return to previous menu Trust Board. …
Independent School Bristol | Queen Elizabeth's Hospital
2024年9月2日 · QEH is Bristol’s leading independent day school. Founded in 1590, today QEH is made up of the Junior School (Years 3-6), Senior School (Years 7-11) and Sixth Form (Years …
Ophthalmology :: George Eliot Hospital - geh.nhs.uk
The George Eliot Ophthalmology Service offers subspecialty clinics covering: Tel: Ophthalmology Appointments: 024 7615 3735. Cataract Surgery: 024 7686 5502. E-mail: …
Admissions Fees - QEH Bristol
Information about the fees at QEH Bristol. Including the Junior and Senior School fees for attending the best independent school in Bristol.