SA80 - Wikipedia
The L86 Light Support Weapon (LSW) is a magazine-fed squad automatic weapon originally intended to provide fire support at a fireteam level. The weapon has a heavier, longer 646 millimetres (25.4 in) barrel than the rifle and features a shorter handguard with an integrated bipod protruding from the front. [ 67 ]
L85A1 - IOP Wiki
2024年8月2日 · The SA-80 family originally consisted of the L85A1 Rifle, the L86A1 Light Support Weapon (LSW), and the L98A1 Cadet GP Rifle. The rifles would be issued to British troops in October of 1985. After entering service, L85A1 immediately saw action in many modern conflicts such as Northern Ireland, Bosnia, and the First Gulf War.
SA80班用轻机枪 - 百度百科
英国 SA80 轻机枪,即L86 LSW,分为L86 A1LSW和L86 A2 LSW,L86 A2LSW是L86 A1 LSW的改进版。 此枪由英皇家 兵工厂 研制,属与SA80枪族4种主要的衍生型之一,是在 L85突击步枪 基础上改成的一种作为班支援武器的轻机枪。 SA80 是一款采用5.56mm × 45 毫米北约弹药的英国无托结构 突击步枪。 发射5.56mm × 45 毫米北约标准弹弹药,对应 STANAG弹匣。 英军命名为L85。 SA80的含义是“Small Arms for the 1980s”(1980年代的轻武器)。 SA80系列是使 …
Enfield L86 LSW (Light Support Weapon) - Military Factory
2017年7月11日 · The L86 utilizes some 80% commonality of parts with the L85 assault rifle but is classified as a fire support weapon for squad-level engagements, offering accurate, ranged voluminous fire that outmatches that of the base L85 automatic weapon. The L86 makes use of the same 5.56x45mm NATO cartridge of the L85 and operates from the same gas system.
CF全方位评测:机枪中的异类强者,L86 LSW-猎人-SS评测
2023年6月20日 · 小结:原版L86的速度在机枪中属于非常优秀的水准,L86SS则将速度拉到了英雄级步枪的水平。 加上前置40发的装弹量,几乎是机枪中的步枪水平。 但可怕的是它接受盘龙的加成,前置子弹的极限将来到160发。 Part.2 威力相关. 理论威力: 以下部分若未特别标注,则L86SS和原版L86性能一致. -前置子弹:40,原版30. -射程【即超出该距离子弹将不会有任何效果】:400米. -距离修正【即每米会损失的伤害】:0.21% -首发是否失准【即点射子弹落点是否 …
SA80 | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The SA80 (Small Arms for the 1980s) is a British family of weapons that were designed by RSAF Enfield. The family comprises the L85 assault rifle, the L86 light support weapon, and the L22 carbine. The L85 is currently the standard service rifle …
L86 LSW | Crossfire Wiki | Fandom
L86 LSW (Light Support Weapon) is a machine gun in CrossFire. L86 LSW is patterned after L85A1, this gun behaves more like an assault rifle rather than a machine gun as it combines good firepower and accuracy with medium-high recoil, light …
机枪中的异类强者,L86 LSW-猎人-SS评测_穿越火线_17173.com …
2024年3月19日 · 本期的焦点是l86 lsw-猎人-ss(以下简称l86ss)的原版,它是装弹量仅为30发的gp武器l86 lsw(以下简称l86)。 由于英雄级武器RPK-盘龙的存在,它们的装弹量不足问题得到缓解,而它们优秀的性能也展现出了强大的实力。
L86 LSW | 穿越火线 Wiki | Fandom
L86 LSW 是穿越火线中的一款机枪,它是 L85A1 突击步枪的重枪管型号。 L86 LSW 的射速比较快,威力也很可观,在扫射时比较容易掌控,它每个弹匣只能携带30发子弹,相对于其他机枪来说少的可怜,但是拥有180发的备弹,并且相对于其他的机枪,L86 LSW的换弹速度比较快,并且重量也很轻。 由于超高的后备弹匣携带量,当使用多把 RPK-盘龙 进行加成时,后备弹匣可能会出现惊人的携弹量,非常适合 生化模式 和 挑战模式。 社区内容除另有注明外,均在 CC-BY-SA …
Enfield L86 LSW (Light Support Weapon) - tvd.im
The L86 shares 80% parts commonality with the L85 Assault Rifle, but is classed as a fire support weapon for class combat and provides precise long-range firepower over the basic L85 automatic weapon. The L86 uses the same 5.56x45mm NATO cartridge as the L85 and is fueled by the same gas system.