【ImageJ】荧光细胞计数方法 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
File – Open 选择一个 GFP图 / 将图片文件拖拽到ImageJ工具栏; 4) 将 伪彩图 转成 位图 : Image – Type – 8-bit; 5) 背景去噪 ,调整不平的背景面: Process – SubtractBackground…; 可选参数: Rolling Ball Radius – 不属于背景的图形的曲率最大值,区分背景和标记物的参数;
Imaging into the future: visualizing gene expression and protein ...
2002年1月1日 · We then discuss how fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) imaging is taking GFP beyond the limits of optical resolution, allowing live visualization of protein–protein interactions. We...
Green fluorescent protein - Wikipedia
The green fluorescent protein (GFP) is a protein that exhibits green fluorescence when exposed to light in the blue to ultraviolet range. [2][3] The label GFP traditionally refers to the protein first isolated from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria and is sometimes called avGFP.
Green Fluorescent Protein and Phase Contrast Image Fusion Via …
In cell and molecular biology, the fusion of green fluorescent protein (GFP) and phase contrast (PC) images aims to generate a composite image, which can simultaneously display the functional information in the GFP image related to the molecular distribution of biological living cells and the structural information in the PC image such as nucleu...
Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) | Thermo Fisher Scientific - US
Invitrogen Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) is a useful expression label in the blue channel for flow cytometry and imaging applications. GFP can be excited by the 488 nm laser line and is optimally detected at 510 nm.
ImageJ实用技巧——荧光共定位分析(定量分析篇) - 知乎
为了证明NPY-pH(用绿色荧光标记)这种蛋白被分选在了某种类型的囊泡中,对这种囊泡的两种marker——Sgll和CGRP进行染色(用红色荧光标记),然后进行共定位分析。 如果绿色荧光和红色荧光“总是”同时出现,那可以说明NPY-pH这种蛋白确实被分选到了这种囊泡当中。 作为定量分析篇,这篇文章就为大家介绍 怎样利用ImageJ进行荧光共定位分析。 首先,与往常不同,荧光共定位分析的操作十分简单。 但实现这一分析的算法有很多种。 这些其实都是为了回答一个问 …
Green Fluorescent Protein and Phase-Contrast Image Fusion via ...
As a widely used tool in fluorescent imaging, green fluorescent protein (GFP) displays bright green fluorescence when exposed to light in the range of blue to ultraviolet. The GFP image contains functional information related to the molecular distribution of biological cells but has very low spatial resolution.
EGFP :: Fluorescent Protein Database
EGFP is a basic (constitutively fluorescent) green fluorescent protein published in 1996, derived from Aequorea victoria. It is reported to be a rapidly-maturing weak dimer with moderate acid sensitivity. In EGFP, the direction of the transition dipole moment is 14° from the line connecting the centers of the aromatic rings. (1996).
Application of GFP imaging in cancer | Laboratory Investigation
2015年2月16日 · Non-invasive imaging with fluorescent proteins enabled the dynamics of metastatic cancer to be followed in real time in individual animals. Non-invasive imaging of cancer cells expressing...
Superfolder GFP :: Fluorescent Protein Database
2022年11月6日 · Superfolder GFP is a basic (constitutively fluorescent) green fluorescent protein published in 2005, derived from Aequorea victoria. It is reported to be a very rapidly-maturing weak dimer. Superfolder GFP was derived from Folding Reporter GFP with the following mutations: S30R/Y39N/N105T/Y145F/I171V/A206V.