GFP-cDNA - Wikipedia
The GFP-cDNA project documents the localisation of proteins to subcellular compartments of the eukaryotic cell applying fluorescence microscopy. Experimental data are complemented with bioinformatic analyses and published online in a database. A search function allows the finding of proteins containing features or motifs of particular interest.
GFP Sequence and Map - SnapGene
SnapGene is the easiest way to plan, visualize and document your everyday molecular biology procedures. SnapGene Viewer is free software that allows molecular biologists to create, browse, and share richly annotated sequence files. The maps, notes, and annotations in the zip file on this page are copyrighted material.
2010年3月7日 · 绿色荧光蛋白来源于海洋生物水母,其基因可在异源组织中表达并产生荧光, GFP cDNA 开放阅读框架长度约 714bp ,编码 238 个氨基酸残基,其肽链内部第 65-67 位丝氨酸-脱氢酪氨酸-甘氨酸通过自身环化和氧化形成一个发色基因,在长紫外波长或蓝光照射下发出 ...
A method to identify cDNAs based on localization of green …
Using FL-REX, we have identified 25 cDNAs, most of which showed reasonable subcellular localization as GFP-fusion proteins, indicating that FL-REX is useful for identification of proteins that show specific intracellular localization.
Random GFP∷cDNA fusions enable visualization of subcellular ... - PNAS
2000年3月28日 · Overall, our results indicate that random GFP∷cDNA fusion libraries can be used to efficiently mark a wide variety of subcellular structures and dynamic processes in plant cells. In addition to facilitating marker isolation, the approach is effective for exploring the existence of novel subcellular structures, domains, and dynamic processes ...
Understanding the GFP cDNA Sequence: Applications
Understanding GFP cDNA provides critical insights into gene expression, cell biology, and even applications in biotechnological innovations. This introduction sets the stage by elucidating significant aspects concerning GFP cDNA, its benefits, and considerations that researchers must take into account.
Development of a method for screening short-lived proteins using …
2004年9月28日 · We developed a GFP-based, genome-wide screening method for short-lived proteins. We made a GFP fusion expression library of human cDNAs and introduced the library into mammalian cells. Transfected cells were FACS-fractionated into …
EGFP/GFP-Enhanced green fluorescent protein sequence序列
2024年5月4日 · copGFP标记物是一种来自桡足类动物(Pontellina sp.)的新型天然绿色单体GFP样蛋白。 copGFP蛋白是一种无毒、无聚集的蛋白,具有快速的蛋白成熟度,在广泛的pH值(pH4-12)范围内具有高稳定性,并且不需要任何额外的辅助…
frame fusions result in GFP localization to various subcellular structures because of the low information content of some targeting signals. Overall, our results indicate that random GFP::cDNA fusion libraries can be used to efficiently mark a wide variety of subcellular structures and dynamic processes in plant cells. In
A "humanized" green fluorescent protein cDNA adapted for high …
We constructed gfph, a synthetic version of the jellyfish Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein (gfp) cDNA that is adapted for high-level expression in mammalian cells, especially those of human origin. A total of 92 base substitutions were ...