GFR 53: Causes, Stages, and Expert Answers | JustAnswer Health
An estimated GFR of 53 is stage 3 chronic kidney disease with moderately reduced kidney function. Treatment is controlling hypertension and whatever else is contributing to the …
3 months ago my BUN level was 13. Now, it is 16. My ... - JustAnswer
GFR above 60 but below 90 is consistent with stage 2 chronic kidney disease ...below 60 now is consistent with stage 3 chronic kidney disease. I would advise follow up in 3 months to check …
I have a GFR of 53. Should I be concerned? None of the above. I …
A GFR alone of 53 is something which SHOULD be investigated with the above tests that i mentioned. While i would be hesistant to label you as having kidney disease just yet, i DO …
My egfr no sfrican american was 53. What does this mean?
An eGFR below 60 ml/min suggests that some kidney damage has occurred {normal values are 90-120 ml/min}. 53 suggests stage 3 kidney damage - moderate reduction in GFR. It should …
I have gfr 53 I'm 52 active but bid meat eater - JustAnswer
Customer: Hi Doc - i have gfr 53 I'm 52 active but bid meat eater - at time of test I ws 210 lbs now I'm 203 and last week no meats and work out 3-4 days per week - creating score 1.5 - (.5-1.4 …
Understanding GFR Results: Expert Answers to Your Kidney Health …
My gfr 53 creatinine 1.04...I'm a 66 year old female with no... Regarding kidneys if urine test result is a gfr or grf of 50 ... Doctor ihave blood test result of gfr non african of 51ml/mi ...
I have a GFR of 53. Should I be concerned? None of the
A GFR alone of 53 is something which SHOULD be investigated with the above tests that i mentioned. While i would be hesistant to label you as having kidney disease just yet, i DO …
What does 53 mean on a kidney function test? - JustAnswer
53 is the GFR (glomerular filtration rate) which is an estimate of kidney function. 60 or higher is normal. 53 may indicate mild disease of the kidney that can be caused by high blood pressure …
Normal creatinine, bun but GFR is 53. Can this be caused
Reaults 10/23/12 Creatinin 1.2, GFR 60, BUN 24 Results 11/21/14 Creatinin 1.60, GFR 48, BHN 26 blood pressure always Dr. D. Love Family Physician for 10 years; Hospital Medical Director …
My gfr 53 creatinine 1.04...I'm a 66 year old female with
There are multiple conditions that could affect or produce kidney damage like : diabetes,high blood pressure,kidney stones ,bladder or kidney masses, polycystic kidney disease, …