P IV Matt Halpern Signature Pack - GetGood Drums
Recorded directly at the completion of Periphery's newest release entitled "PIV: Hail Stan", this library captures the energy of Matt's performance, the essence of the album, and the atmosphere of the live room which can only be associated with Periphery's thunderous yet dynamic sound. Check out the features:
Get Good Drums : P Iv Matt Halpern Signature Pack | Nks Partners
GetGood Drums was founded on a passion for music, production, and – of course – drums. Having developed their signature drum sound over nearly a decade, Matt Halpern and Adam ‘Nolly’ Getgood distilled all of their knowledge into easy-to-use, accessible virtual drum libraries, MIDI packs, and VSTs.
GGD P4 - Demo & Review (w/ Mixing Tutorial) - YouTube
Demo and review of the GGD P4 Matt Halpern Signature Pack, the new GetGood Drums library, with an example mixing tutorial.Subscribe for more mixing content, ...
Get Good Drums : P Iv Matt Halpern 签名款鼓音源 | Nks Partners
这款签名款鼓音源随着 Periphery 的第六张录音室专辑一同录制采样,完全继承了 p4 的鼓声精华。 这款鼓组音色保持了强大的侵略性、高度的声音动态、氛围化的鼓房空间声,以及一丝不苟的采样手法,无论在其本源风格 Djent 还是前卫式的流行音乐中都能够大展 ...
Matt Halpern Signature Pack - GetGood Drums
The Halpern library is a Player Library (NKS) and can be used with Kontakt’s Free Player – no need to buy the full version of Kontakt to use GGD! A fully-featured and intuitive UI for building your kit and working with spot and room mics
GGD P4 "Offering Kit" | Studio One + Free PlugIns Only
A hard hitting drum mix using the GetGood Drums PIV drum samples! No additional paid plugins needed! Now also includes a stock plugins version without Molot compressor (because some users were not able to install that plugin in macOS). The Limiter No6 is still in there, but it can be replaced with any other limiter plugin.
GGD P4 - Matt Halpern Kit | Demo - YouTube
2020年9月27日 · A quick demo of the drum tones available within the GGD P4 Matt Halpern pack! Instagram - / eagrobinson Website/Portfolio - https://www.eagrproductions.com Mixing & Mastering Services -...
GGD P4 Matt Halpern Signature pack 大师签名金属鼓组
Kontakt 播放器库(具有完整的 NKS 集成),可与 Kontakt 的免费播放器一起使用 - 无需购买完整版 Kontakt 即可使用 GGD! Periphery 的 PIV 专辑录制期间创建的所有声音 用于创建 PIV 的精确录音链、鼓(和鼓手!!) 用于创建鼓音的全新、功能齐全且直观的用户界面
GGD P4 Matt Halpern Signature Pack - PluginFox
Introducing the PIV Matt Halpern Signature Pack - the most detailed and meticulously sampled drum set we have to offer.
GGD P4 "Offering Kit" | Cubase + Free PlugIns Only - Mix-Ready
A powerful drum sound with that beautiful snare room, using GetGood Drums PIV! You only need free plugins for this DAW template. Works great with low tuned guitars and chunky riffs. Listen to the sound demo to hear the drum sound in action! Song: The Offering by Sleep Token.