Geography and Geoinformation Science | GMU College of Science
We offer a MS degree and a Graduate certificate in Geoinformatics and Geospatial Intelligence preparing our students with the necessary skills to pursue careers in the federal workforce, …
Geoinformatics and Geospatial Intelligence, MS
Offered by the Department of Geography and Geoinformation Sciences (GGS) in the College of Science, this bachelor's/accelerated master's degree program enables highly qualified …
一文看懂气相色谱质谱联用仪(GC-MS) - 知乎专栏
GC-MS (Gaschromatography-mass spectrometry)全称气相色谱-质谱联用,简称气质联用仪。 被分析样品经毛细管柱分离,进入 离子源。 采用电子电力标准配置 (EI),产生正离子,在推斥、 …
Geographic and Cartographic Sciences, MS - George Mason …
The Geographic and Cartographic Sciences, MS (GECA) focuses on the growing demand for scientists and professionals in the field of geographic information science, who use …
Earth Systems Science, MS (GGS) < George Mason University
Geology, BS/Earth Systems Science, Accelerated MS Overview. Geology, and Earth sciences more broadly, are extremely important to society and our economy as they deal with our …
Geographic and Cartographic Science, MS | GMU College of Science
The Geographic and Cartographic Sciences, MS focuses on the growing demand for scientists and professionals in the field of geographic information science, who use geographical …
技术 | 一文读懂气相色谱质谱法(GC-MS/MS) - 知乎专栏
质谱是一种测量带电粒子的质荷比(m/z)的分析技术,因此可用于确定分子量和元素组成,以及阐明分子的化学结构。 GC-MS的数据是三维的,提供的质谱可用于确认身份或识别未知化合 …
气-质联用 - 百度百科
气相色谱(Gas chromatography,GC)具有极强的分离能力,但它对未知化合物的定性能力较差;质谱(Mass Spectrometry,MS)对未知化合物具有独特的鉴定能力,且灵敏度极高,但它 …
GC-MS入门级知识点(含原理、结构、定性、常见问题等) - 知乎
在gc-ms联用中有两个作用: (1)压力匹配——质谱 离子源 的真空度在10-3pa,而gc色谱柱出口压力高达105pa,接口的作用就是要使两者压力匹配。 (2)组分浓缩——从gc色谱柱流出的 …
What: Remove GRE requirements for admission of all GGS MS programs including ESS MS (shared with AOES). Reduce the required number of recommendaon leers from three to two