Goldberg test - Wikipedia
General Health Questionnaire or Goldberg Health Questionnaire [6] (GHQ) developed in 1972 in its initial format as a 60-question test (GHQ-60) with a four-point scale for each question. It is …
General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) - Mapi Research Trust
GHQ-60: Main version of the GHQ, used to identify cases for more intensive examination The GHQ focuses on the client’s ability to carry out "normal" functions and the appearance of any …
General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) – MHPSS Knowledge Hub
A self-report screening tool used to assess for a variety of current mental disturbances. The questionnaire was originally developed as a 60-item tool (GHQ-60), but has since been …
Measure: General Health Questionnaire - Salesforce
The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) is a self-administered questionnaire for identifying non-psychotic and minor psychiatric disorders, and was developed as a screening tool to detect …
General Health Questionnaire - Wikipedia
Using the GHQ scale, the response choices are given values of 0, 0, 1, and 1 respectively. [7] [8] In this case, the final score can range from 0 to 60. Medical professionals establish score …
一般健康问卷 - 医学百科
2023年8月14日 · GHQ的评分方法为“0-1-2-3”4级评分制,GHQ-60由6个因子组成,即:①一般健康;②躯体症状;③睡眠障碍;④社交问题;⑤焦虑和紧张;⑥自杀与抑郁。 GHQ-28则简化为4个 …
General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) - Statistics Solutions
Developed in the 1970s, the General Health Questionnaire is a method to quantify the risk of developing psychiatric disorders. This instrument targets two areas – the inability to carry out …
General Health Questionnaire [GHQ-60] - Statistics by DatAnalysis
The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-60) is a self-report tool designed to assess mental health and general psychological problems. The scale consists of 60 questions that cover a …
The format of the full GHQ is 60-item test with a four-point scale for each response. The test exits in several alternate forms: GHQ-30 (30 items), GHQ-28 (28-items), GHQ-12 (12 items). The …
GHQ(精神健康調査票)とは?特徴や解釈法についてわかりやす …
実は、ゴールドバーグが開発したghqの原版は60項目で作成されていました。 しかし、その簡便に精神的な健康度を測定できるという利点から、短縮版が複数開発されています。