Classification and labelling (CLP/GHS) - European Commission
2020年1月31日 · The United Nations' Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) provides globally uniform physical, environmental, and health and safety information on hazardous chemical substances and mixtures. It sets up criteria for the classification of chemicals for physical-chemical, health, and environmental hazards of ...
Classification, labelling and packaging of chemicals
2024年4月17日 · The EU has incorporated the new worldwide rules (Globally Harmonised System - GHS) developed by the United Nations into the Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation. The aim is to make global trading easier and help consumers.
Classification of substances and mixtures - ECHA
Self-classification aims to determine whether a chemical substance or mixture has physical, health and/or environmental hazards and to properly communicate these hazards with appropriate labelling in the supply chain when the product is placed on the market, regardless of the volume of the substance or mixture produced.
Classification, labelling and packaging of chemicals
2024年12月19日 · Since 2008, the EU has had legislation in place called the Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation, which requires companies to classify, label and package their chemicals before placing them on the market according to legally binding rules.
GHS implementation: EU and European Economic Area | UNECE
2021年1月22日 · Information about the status of implementation of the GHS on the European Union and on the European Economic Area
化学品GHS分类哪里查? - 知乎专栏
在本期合规解读中,小编为大家分享了欧盟、中国等6个国家/地区ghs分类清单查询方式,同时也介绍了oecd提供的一个ghs分类综合查询平台。 来源:合规化学
Understanding CLP - ECHA
The Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation ((EC) No 1272/2008) is based on the United Nations’ Globally Harmonised System (GHS) and its purpose is to ensure a high level of protection of health and the environment, as well as …
Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 - classification, labelling and …
GHS is a set of recommendations adopted by the United Nations Economic and Social Council in 2003 and intended to harmonise classification and labelling systems at global level. In Europe, the CLP Regulation has implemented the GHS system in 2008.
欧盟GHS合规解读_合规化学网 - hgmsds.com
2018年4月23日 · 欧盟 clp 法规采纳了联合国 ghs 制度关于化学品 ghs 标签的 6 大要素,包括产品标识、信号词、危险说明、防范说明、象形图以及供应商标识。 对于供应商标识,同一个产品在标签上既可以提供一家供应商信息又可以提供多家供应商信息,同时应在标签中体现输入 ...
About the GHS | UNECE
The new system, which was called "Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS)", addresses classification of chemicals by types of hazard and proposes harmonized hazard communication elements, including labels and safety data sheets.