GI Flange | Oflange
A GI flange is a type of flange that is made from galvanized iron. It is a popular choice for construction and building applications, as it is strong and durable. GI flanges are also resistant to rust and corrosion due to their raw material, making them a reliable option for many applications.
Galvanized Iron Flange (GI) - MBTC-Group
MBTC is your trusted partner for high-quality GI (Galvanized Iron) flanges, offering solutions that meet the diverse needs of industries worldwide. With a focus on quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction, MBTC has become a leading provider of GI …
GI Flange Threaded Price ,Catalouge , Dealer , 2024
GI Flange Threaded is one of the most important components in any piping system. It provides the connection between two pipes and ensures the sealing of the joint. GI Flanges are mainly used to block off, divert, or regulate the flow of gases, liquids and solids in a piping system.
GI Flange - GaIvanized Iron Flanges Latest Price, Manufacturers
Find here GI Flange, GaIvanized Iron Flanges manufacturers, suppliers & exporters in India. Get contact details & address of companies manufacturing and supplying GI Flange, GaIvanized Iron Flanges, galvanised iron Flange across India.
Buy GI Flange At Lowest Price Direct From Manufacturer
Our GI flanges are essential for secure connections in piping systems, providing durability and reliability. Explore our range, including the GI Flange ISI - 1538, which meets industry standards for quality and performance. Additionally, we have the GI Flange Table - D and the GI Flange ASA 150 available for specific
常见13种管道法兰介绍(中英文对照) - 百家号
螺纹法兰的尺寸可达4英寸,具有多个压强额定值,但是,它们大多用于低压强和低温应用中的小尺寸管道,如水和空气公用事业服务。 Threaded flanges are also a mandatory requirement in explosive areas, such as gas stations and plants, as the execution of welded connections in such environments would be dangerous.
法兰的分类与中英文对照表 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
法兰连接或法兰接头,是指由法兰、垫片及螺栓三者相互连接作为一组组合密封结构的可拆连接。 整体法兰 (IF)、 螺纹法兰 (Th)、 板式平焊法兰 (PL)、带径对焊法兰(WN)、 带颈平焊法兰 (SO)、 承插焊法兰 (SW)、 对焊环松套法兰 (PJ/SE)、 平焊环松套法兰 (PJ/RJ)、 衬里法兰盖 (BL(S))、法兰盖(BL)。 螺纹法兰(PT)、对焊法兰(WN)、平焊法兰(SO)、承插焊法兰(SW)、松套法兰(LJ)、法兰盖(不表注)。 整体法兰、对焊法兰 …
G.I.Flange - Meems
These type of GI – Fittings are made by the superior quality of raw materials and this GI Fitting is suitable for water, oil, air, gas and for all industrial, commercial applications. Features: Free from rust and leakage
Bạn Đã Hiểu Rõ Về Flange? - pipingdesigners
2018年5月29日 · Như các bạn đã biết, Flange hay còn gọi là mặt bích được sử dụng để kết nối cơ học hai ống với nhau; giữa một đường ống với valve hoặc với thiết bị Instrument hay Nozzle. Một mối nối Flange bao gồm: 2 Flanges, Gasket và Bolting.
Featured Wholesale gi flange For Any Piping Needs - Alibaba.com
Quality pipe fittings has been made available by our wholesalers for different piping needs. With our selection of gi flange, it can cater to any compatibility of materials and fittings needed.