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GR/GI Zones as Storage locations - SAP Community
2021年9月3日 · Plants and storage locations belong to the ERP side. Storage types, sections, areas, bin, GR / GI area etc. belong to EWM. Both have to be connected through the warehouse number (one in ERP, one in EWM) and the availability group settings.
【学习笔记十一】EWM上架目标仓位确定过程及配置_ewm配置指 …
2024年4月15日 · 根据交货单类型查询对应的wpt时,ewm需要定义一个暂存区仓位,一般实施过程中建议:收货暂存区仓位为(存储类型:9010,仓位:gr-zone)发货暂存区仓位为(存储类型:9020,仓位:gi-zone)但是实际情况下要与业务部门沟通具体的仓位,以便后续方便识别,之 …
Stock Identification in the GR and GI Processes
The following figure provides an overview of the use of stock identification in the goods receipt and goods issue processes (GR and GI processes) in a stock transfer between two warehouses. In this process flow description, the names of the storage bins, the HUs, and so on, serve to provide a better understanding of the above figure.
SAP EWM Wave Management(内涵 2 步拣选) - CSDN博客
2025年1月15日 · 在 EWM(扩展仓库管理)体系里,Wave 堪称优化仓库作业流程的关键利器。 它能够巧妙地将各类仓库请求进行组合,依据仓库的活动区域、所涉产品的特性、既定的运输路线等 多维度 标准,把仓库项目精准地拆分成一个个 Wave。 这些经过精心分组的 Wave,在后续的仓库作业流程中犹如紧密协作的团队,被一同处理 。 当分配好的 Wave 会转化为仓库任务,而仓库任务又进一步转化为仓库订单,环环相扣,有条不紊地推动着仓库业务的高效运转。 Wave …
EWM Pick Point for Full and Partial Pallet - SAP Community
2023年2月17日 · This blog post walks you through various steps involved in EWM stock picking via pick point considering full pallet should go directly to GI ZONE and pallet which is to be repacked for the remaining qty only passed via Pick Point Work Center.
Multiple GI-Zone - SAP Community
2013年8月7日 · The requirement is to have corresponding GI-ZONE for each Storaye Type in Warehosue. Exp: we have 2 storage Types (racks) 9999 and 9998 under same warehosue then after picking Goods to be moved to GI-ZONE for Storage Type 9999 and to GI-ZONE1 for 9998. Is that possible? We are using POSC and in EWM 7.2. Saby
in this blog you can find the process step about process oriented storage control in EWM. With POSC you can manage your complex warehouse operations. We are showing picking , packing , staging and loading process details on this post. 1.Create an Outbound Delivery. 2.Create Picking Warehouse Tasks.
SAP WM 入库策略-固定仓位 - CSDN博客
2022年9月20日 · 根据交货单类型查询对应的wpt时,ewm需要定义一个暂存区仓位,一般实施过程中建议:收货暂存区仓位为(存储类型:9010,仓位:gr-zone)发货暂存区仓位为(存储类型:9020,仓位:gi-zone)但是实际情况下要与业务部门沟通具体的仓位,以便后续方便识别,之 …