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GIC is a global long-term investor established in 1981 to manage Singapore’s foreign reserves. We are invested in more than 40 countries worldwide. GIC manages Singapore’s foreign …
GIC (sovereign wealth fund) - Wikipedia
GIC Private Limited is a Singaporean sovereign wealth fund that manages the country's foreign reserves.
Who we are - GIC
GIC is one of the three investment entities in Singapore that manage Singapore's reserves, alongside the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and Temasek. We manage most of the Government’s financial assets, investing for the long term with an aim to preserve and enhance the international purchasing power of the funds placed in our care.
Organizational structure - GIC
The GIC Board and Management answer to our client, the Government of Singapore, for portfolio performance. The Board is responsible for long-term asset allocation and overall performance, while the Management formulates and executes investment strategies.
新加坡政府投资公司 - 百度百科
新加坡政府投资公司(Government of Singapore Investment Corp,简称GIC),成立于1981年5月22日,是新加坡最大的国际投资机构,其主要任务是管理新加坡的外汇储备,跨出新加坡国界向海外大举投资。
Strategic Growth Solutions
At GIC Capital, we leverage deep industry insights and a comprehensive network of capital providers to empower businesses. With our hands-on approach, we ensure alignment between capital needs and investment opportunities, driving growth and success.
GIC Capital 2025 Company Profile: Valuation, Funding & Investors ...
The company specializes in connecting government, industry and community to provide equity-funding capital for infrastructure projects such as low-cost housing, transportation, ports, healthcare, energy and more, thereby helping governments to raise equity funding for infrastructure projects.
拆解新加坡主权基金GIC最新投资布局 - 澎湃新闻
2023年8月2日 · 新加坡主权财富基金——新加坡政府投资公司(GIC)7月26日公布年报,截至3月31日的20年实际回报率达4.6%,创8年新高,不过,5年年化名义回报率为3.7%,为7年来最低水平。 GIC执行长林昭杰坦承,“我们还没有走出困境。 经济和市场仍能感受到政策紧缩的后果。 GIC过去长期的投资表现一向出色,其成绩凸显近年地缘政治紧张、利率节节攀升和国际股债市的修正,令国际投资人头痛不已。 7月稍早,新加坡国营投资机构淡马锡控股也罕见陷入全年度 …
GIC - Investor Profile, Portfolio & Team - Tracxn
2025年3月18日 · GIC is a private equity firm founded in 1981. It is primarily based in Singapore, Singapore. As of Mar 2025, GIC is an active investor with a portfolio of 301 compan ies, …
GIC Private Limited - Private Equity International
Founded in 1981, GIC Private Limited, formerly known as the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation, is a sovereign wealth fund that manages Singapore's foreign reserves.