What Does "GLHF" Mean, and How Do You Use It? - How-To Geek
2020年1月26日 · GLHF is an abbreviation for "good luck, have fun." It's used at the beginning of competitive online games to establish a feeling of sportsmanship or manners. GLHF is …
What Does Gl Hf Mean? - Meaning, Uses and More - FluentSlang
2023年9月19日 · The acronym GL HF stands for “Good luck, have fun,” and it is commonly used in online gaming to wish someone good luck and encourage them to enjoy themselves during …
GL HF - What does GL HF mean in online gaming? - Slang.net
2019年12月16日 · GL HF is an acronym that stands for "Good luck, have fun," which is used to wish a person good luck. It is typically used before an online gaming match but may also be …
Urban Dictionary: glhf
2003年6月21日 · An acronym, which stands for "Good luck, have fun". Meant as a salutation at the beginning of a game, usually a sign of good will.
What Does GLHF Mean? | The Word Counter
2021年11月9日 · What does the abbreviation GLHF stand for? According to Slang It, the abbreviation GLHF means good luck, have fun. This salutation is a sign of good will used at …
「GLHF」?「GOAT」? ゲームでよく使う英語の略語 eスポーツ …
2020年10月6日 · チームメイトであれ対戦相手であれ、良い関係を築けたらより楽しくゲームをプレーできます。 だから対戦が始まる前に「GLHF」と言ってみましょう。 GLHFは“good …
‘GLHF’ Meaning | Esports Terms Explained - iGaming.org
GLHF is an acronym that stands for “Good Luck, Have Fun”. It is a common and friendly expression that is used to wish someone well before or during a game. GLHF is common in …
What does GLHF mean? GLHF Examples and Usages. - iKeyMonitor
GLHF stands for Good luck, have fun. GLHF is an internet slang initialism that is an online gaming salutation. How Is GLHF Used? Use Cases & Examples. GLHF is used at the start of …
When and where did the phrase GLHF originate : …
2015年12月23日 · I used to play a game about 12 years ago called Jedi Academy and we used to say GL HF all the time.
GLHF Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
good luck, have fun: (used especially in online video game chat): sometimes further abbreviated to GL or HF. The mission, called “GLHF,” for “Good Luck, Have Fun,” is for test purposes and …