log - OpenGL 4 Reference Pages - Khronos Group
log returns the natural logarithm of x x, i.e. the value y y which satisfies x = e y x = e y. The result is undefined if x ≤ 0 x ≤ 0.
log - GLSL 4 - docs.gl
Specify the value of which to take the natural logarithm. log returns the natural logarithm of x. i.e., the value y y which satisfies x =ey x = e y. sin, cos, sinh, cosh. Copyright © 2011-2014 …
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Debug Output - OpenGL Wiki - The Khronos Group
2024年7月31日 · Debug Output is an OpenGL feature that makes debugging and optimizing OpenGL applications easier. Briefly, this feature provides a method for the driver to provide textual message information back to the application.
glGetProgramInfoLog - OpenGL 4 Reference Pages - Khronos Group
glGetProgramInfoLog returns the information log for the specified program object. The information log for a program object is modified when the program object is linked or validated. The string that is returned will be null terminated.
openGL API glGetShaderInfoLog函数详解 - CSDN博客
2021年12月14日 · 本文详细解读了glGetShaderInfoLog函数的工作原理,通过实例展示了如何获取并分析着色器编译错误信息。 重点介绍了如何使用这个API获取并处理shader对象的日志,对开发者调试编译问题极具价值。 Specifies the shader object whose information log is to be queried. Specifies the size of the character buffer for storing the returned information log. Returns the length of the string returned in infoLog (excluding the null terminator).
How to generate an GL debug log file - CSDN博客
本文档介绍了如何生成GL程序的详细日志文件,用于解决并发请求问题和临时表保留。 步骤包括设置GL: Debug Mode profile选项,以及在OA Framework中启用FND日志记录,以便在出现问题时获取SQL和日志消息。 完成测试后,务必关闭调试模式并清理临时表。 Used for concurrent request problems where we need to know what sql was used in key areas or we need to retain temporary tables. 1.
OpenGL API - glGetProgramInfoLog - CSDN博客
2020年6月5日 · 获取需要日志信息缓存的大小,可通过 只用 GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH 来调用 glGetProgram 。 一个程序对象的日志信息可能是一个空字符串,或是宝行了上次链接的日志信息字符串,或是上次验证操作的日志信息字符串。
Loggl | Real-time event monitoring
Spin up loggl.net in just a few commands. Cross Platform Access your events and metrics in realtime from any device, and keep track of your business no matter where you are. Ingest …
GL_JE_ACTION_LOG - docs.oracle.com
GL_JE_ACTION_LOG stores the history of a journal batch. Each row represents an action that has occurred on the batch, and provides the user that executed the action, the role that they were acting as, and the date and time of the action.