GL-1 vs GL-5/MT-1 - SteelSoldiers
Aug 15, 2007 · All these trucks designed in 1949 were intended for GL1...and most old farm tractor shops still stock 5 gallon pails of it... Use of the newer variations with "brass" additives …
Gear oil compatability - SteelSoldiers
May 13, 2008 · That said, does the gov still use GL1 in the trans/ transfer case or do they use GL5 with the MT1 rating? Just to be safe I'm going to drain trans/ transfer and refill with GL5 …
GL-1 Gear Oil Alternative | Page 2 | SteelSoldiers
Feb 11, 2010 · Hi Jon, That is interesting data.... I have learned something new. But I don't think it means that 50wt motor oil or a 50wt "transmission oil" are interchangeable with SAE 80/90 …
GL-1 Gear Oil Alternative - SteelSoldiers
Feb 11, 2010 · I don't like GL-1 gear oil and wanted something "better" in my transfer case and transmission. GL-1 is hard to find, and finding one with a corrosion inhibitor is even harder! So …
GL-1 gear oil - SteelSoldiers
Jan 20, 2005 · 65201 1 gal napa gl1 . Reactions: vegansbane, Merc1973 and plym49. Feb 9, 2012 #17 joshs1ofakindxj
Napa 90W gear oil | SteelSoldiers
Mar 18, 2007 · Hey, Have any of y'all used the Napa 90W GL1 gear oil in your diffs or t-case? I found a good price on some in the 5 gallon pail at my local store. It might be a little thick for a …
Gear oil for our GMC's. Yellow metal safe? | SteelSoldiers
Mar 21, 2011 · Use a good GL-5/MT-1 (that's the actual label). Most, if not all gear lubes are 'yellow metal' safe. The 80/90 wt oils don't get hot enough to make the acids (combination of …
Clutch Adjustment | SteelSoldiers
Dec 31, 2007 · Gents, I've searched a bit and printed out the appropriate pages from the TM 9-2320-361-20 for adjusting the clutch.
best gear oil for deuce | SteelSoldiers
Mar 29, 2013 · Edit: GL1 works and is low cost. MT-1 is the spec to look for to be certain of "yellow metal" compatibility.
M38a1 Oil and Fluids - SteelSoldiers
Jul 5, 2012 · That is helpful but it did not really say if GL1 will work or not. I will probably go with the NAPA GL1 for the trans and transfer case. GL5 is fine for the diffs right? I have not seen …