S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly - Mod DB
2023年10月13日 · This mod adds a new set of animations and a new model for the Belgian assault rifle FN F2000. Animations for the FN GL1 grenade launcher are also added to the set.
Release: FN F2000 - Patreon
2023年4月28日 · Grenades for the GL1 module can be crafted at the workbench. Modifications. Various sights, and muzzles, and an optional MAWL depending on scope. Not many magazine options as the F2000 is rather limited for magazines due to the deep magwell. It has the main vanilla receiver options. There are two main variants.
Steam Community :: Guide :: The Great HλLF-LIFE Mods List
2014年4月2日 · Originally called the Half-Life: Subtitle Mod, Half-Life: Update Mod is a feature update of all three HL1 campaigns (HL1, Op4, and BS). New features include: Subtitles (with different color text for different entities)
Mods - Mods for Garry's Mod. - GameBanana
Mods for Garry's Mod (GMOD) Ads keep us online. Without them, we wouldn't exist. We don't have paywalls or sell mods - we never will. But every month we have large bills and running ads is our only way to cover them. Please consider unblocking …
GL1 榴弹发射器 (GL1 Grenade Launcher) - Flan 的枪械 (Flan's Mod…
美军的旧式榴弹发射器,在高级现代战争武器箱中制造,只能装填1发榴弹,装弹时间为2.5秒。 可选部件为红点瞄准镜,ACOG瞄准镜和4倍瞄准镜。 由于榴弹下坠较大因此安装瞄具的意义并不大,而且该枪安装ACOG瞄准镜和4倍瞄准镜时会穿模。 手持该武器时会降低20%移动速度。 *这里只会显示该物品合成方式,且最多显示10个,点击右边栏"查看合成/用途"可查看该物品作为材料的合成。 GL1 榴弹发射器 (GL1 Grenade Launcher)资料的介绍页面,此资料来自模组Flan 的枪械 …
Mods - Half-Life - ModDB
Relive the events of the Black Mesa incident as security officer Andrew Cooper in this classic-style Half-Life mod. No mods were found matching the criteria specified. We suggest you try the mod list with no filter applied, to browse all available.
Mk13 EGLM榴弹发射器 - 枪炮世界
Mk13 EGLM(增强型榴弹发射器模块,Enhanced Grenade Launcher Module)是为FN SCAR配套研制的40mm多用途榴弹发射器,也称为FN40GL,在与FN SCAR共同入选后,最初被称为EX13 MOD0,在FN SCAR正式定型为Mk16/Mk17后,才正式定型为Mk13 MOD0。 而FN公司的商业名称为FN40GL。 Mk13 EGLM其实是基于为F2000研制的GL1下挂榴弹发射器进行改进的,该发射器的发射管向前推出后可再向左或向右偏转以便装填较长的弹药,而且无论左、右手的射手都可 …
长城GL1号——这次“姜”硬 - 雪茄交流 - 烟悦网论坛
2024年2月11日 · 长城给gl1号定位高端系列,茄芯用了尼加拉瓜、多米尼加和什邡三地的叶子。 产品的包装设计还是不错的,茄脚贴纸上有二维码,可以查真,也能看到卷制-养护-筛选-包装全流程的信息。
Half-Life | HL | Mods & Resources - GameBanana
Mods & Resources by the Half-Life (HL) Modding Community.
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GXL Mods. Unlock exclusive posts. Join now. Unlock exclusive posts and join a community of 309 paid members. Starting at . $12.23 /month. Join now ...