Honda Gold Wing 1100 Motorcycles for sale - Cycle Trader
Looking to buy a Honda Gold Wing motorcycle? Browse our extensive inventory of new and used Honda Gold Wing motorcycles from local Honda dealers and private sellers. Compare prices, …
Honda Gold Wing - Wikipedia
Ridden by Emilio Scotto, the GL1100 is the bike that toured the world. Holding the record for the longest distance of any motorcycle total distance of 457,000 miles (735,000 km).
Honda GL1100 Gold Wing: review, history, specs
Honda GL1100 Gold Wing: manuals, parts, microfiches. Honda Gold Wing 1100: history, specifications, images, videos, manuals.
1983 Honda Gold Wing GL1100: The Greatest Flip-Flop On The …
2022年4月15日 · The GL1100 was one of the first motorcycles Honda built in the US, and that’s likely a secondary reason for its massive sales success in the States. Honda actually marketed this as an American-built bike, which no doubt assuaged the consciences of some long-time Harley-Davidson riders as they made the switch.
2023年11月22日 · 北米ホンダに生産が移管された事を機にモデルチェンジされた二代目ゴールドウィングのGL1100GOLDWING。 排気量を上げホイールベースを延ばす事で更にクルーザー寄りに。 そして大きなカウルとパニアケースを装備した皆の思うゴールドウィングの姿であるインターステート(またはDX)を一年後に発売。 これは貴族バイクとして好評だった先代GL1000にカウルやソファーシートそしてフルパニア装備等のアフターパーツを装着し完全なグランドツ …
Honda Gold Wing GL1100, GL1100LTD, GL1100 Standard, GL1100I …
2025年2月17日 · UMG Says (GL1100/GL1200): Engine capacity increases meant more torque rather than speed. The Aspencade (the one with all the junk on it) was considered the ultimate development until the GL1500 turned up. GL1200 had improved handling (at the price of expensive tyres) and new four speed gearbox with overdrive.
Honda Gold Wing Timeline: 1972-2018 - Rider Magazine
2017年10月24日 · Honda produces the all-new, 1,085cc Gold Wing GL1100. Among the many changes are a longer wheelbase, electronic ignition, increased fuel capacity and lighter weight. The GL1100’s Interstate...
Honda Gl1100 Gold Wing | Cycle World | APRIL 1980
1980年4月1日 · The high speed weave loaded Gold Wings went through on high speed sweepers is gone. The adjustable suspension even increased cornering clearance slightly, giving the sportier touring riders more...
Second Generation Model On the Path to Long Distance Tourer …
Based on the GL1100, the luxuriously equipped Gold Wing GL1100 INTERSTATE was developed for comfortable long-distance touring. The INTERSTATE was the first Gold Wing to feature fairing, saddle bags and a trunk as standard equipment.
1982 Honda GL 1100 Gold Wing specifications and pictures - Bikez
Join the 82 Honda GL 1100 Gold Wing discussion group or the general Honda discussion group. List related bikes for comparison of specs. Get weekly lists of new motorcycles on Bikez! Sell …