GL60 Plus Gimbal Searchlight - GenPac Drones
The GL60 Plus Gimbal Spotlight is a powerful and extremely bright payload. It is plug and play with the DJI Matrice series of drones. Most commonly used with the DJI Matrice 300 RTK, this payload is based on the DJI Skyport 2.0. With full compatibility, the GL60 Plus is one of the easiest payloads to control. SPECIFICATIONS:
CZI GL60 萬向探照燈 - 65W 功率 150M 照明距離無人機聚光燈適用於 DJI …
這 長城GL60 萬向探照燈 是一款輕量級、高性能 無人機聚光燈,旨在為夜間作業提供卓越的空中照明。 僅稱重 495克 並交付高達 65W功率,它提供了一個銳利的 12°光束角 有效照明距離為 150米。 配備有 五鏡頭光學成像模組,GL60 可確保均勻的亮度和色彩一致性,非常適合 工業無人機 應用程序,例如 夜間巡邏、搜救、電力線路巡查,等等。 其全密封、無風扇設計增強了 防塵防水性能 (IP55),確保在充滿挑戰的環境中的可靠性。 無縫相容 DJI Matrice 210 V2、M300 …
GL60Plus无人机云台灯_DJI大疆行业代理商_北京凌空远航科技有限 …
整体采用超轻量设计,仅重750克,额定功率高达120W,通过DJI Sky PortV2.0接口,兼容大疆经纬M200V2、M300RTK等系列无 人机,可满足夜晚巡查、警告驱离、方位指示、电力巡线、搜索救援等夜间作业需求。
DJI M300 Spotlight | GL60 Plus drone Spotlights
2025年2月26日 · The GL60 Plus DJI Matrice 300 drone spotlight based on DJI Payload SDK, compatible with DJI M300 drone, powered by DJI Skyport V2.0, super brightness up to 13400LM, max lighting area to 1225m², Max power 120W. The aerial illumination effect of drones during night operations has been raised to a whole new level.
CZI DJI M300 Drone Spotlight Searchlight DJI SDK Payload GL60 …
The GL60 Plus DJI Matrice 300 drone spotlight based on DJI Payload SDK, compatible with DJI M300 drone, powered by DJI Skyport V2.0, super brightness up to 13400LM, max lighting area to 1225m², Max power 120W. The aerial illumination effect of drones during night operations has been raised to a whole new level. The ove
CZI GL60 Plus Searchlight - Volatus Drones
The CZI GL60 Plus Searchlight is based on DJI Payload SDK and compatible with the DJI M300/M350. Powered by DJI Skyport V2.0, the GL60 Plus is super bright, up to 13400LM, with a max lighting area to 1225m². The overall design is ultra-lightweight at only 750g.
CZI GL60 Plus Gimbal Searchlight - FlyMotion
The GL60 Plus is a gimbal searchlight designed for DJI Matrice drones, enhancing night operations with a powerful beam and consistent illumination up to 150 meters. It's compatible with drones supporting DJI SkyPort V2.0, suitable for inspection, search and rescue, and patrol tasks, offering precise control and extensive aerial illumination for ...
CZI - GL60 Plus SDK Gimbal Spotlight for DJI M300/M350 RTK
The CZI GL60 Plus SDK Gimbal Spotlight for DJI M300/M350 RTK offers powerful illumination for industrial and rescue missions. Free shipping on orders $199+!
GL 60 Plus Gimbal Spotlight kaufen
Der Gimbal-Suchscheinwerfer GL60 Plus verfügt über 4 Gruppen optischer Abbildungskomponenten, wobei jede Gruppe aus 4 kombinierten Linsen besteht, die eine präzise Lichtsäule mit einem Winkel von nur 15 Grad, gleichmäßiger Farbe und gleichmäßiger Helligkeit sowie einer stabilen Leistung von 24 Lux optimaler Beleuchtung und einer ...
GL 60 Plus Gimbal Spotlight - Pro fly Center | DJI Academy
Seine effektive Beleuchtungsfläche beträgt 1225 Quadratmeter und hebt den Beleuchtungseffekt von UAV-Nachtbetrieb auf einen neuen Standard. GL60 Plus ist kompatibel mit DJI M200V2, M300RTK und anderen Serien von UAVs durch DJISkyPort V2.0-Schnittstelle.