GLM - Heckler & Koch
The GLM is a single-shot 40 mm x 46 LV grenade launcher module. In its basic design, it fulfils the function of an under-mounted secondary weapon. The GLM can be combined with all Heckler & Koch as...
M320 Grenade Launcher Module - Wikipedia
M320 Grenade Launcher Module (GLM) is the U.S. military's designation for a new single-shot 40 mm grenade launcher system to replace the M203 [4] [5] for the U.S. Army, while other services initially kept using the older M203.
GLM - HK USA - Heckler & Koch
Developed from HK’s famous line of single-shot 40mm grenade launchers, the lightweight add-on GLM (Grenade Launching Module) uses a fast and easy side-loading breech configuration. This feature, and the quick detachable design of the AG-C launcher, provide superior combat capability over existing M203-type grenade launchers.
M320榴彈發射器 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M320榴彈發射器模組(M320 Grenade Launcher Module,GLM)的設計起源於美軍要求以新的單發 40毫米 榴彈發射器以替換M203榴彈發射器。 2006年,成功中標的 黑克勒-科赫 提供其設計的XM320給 美軍 試驗(X代表試驗型号(experimental)),完成試驗後改稱為 M320 ,據ArmyTimes的 ...
HK GLM 40mm Launcher - Botach®
Looking to add a versatile and compact add-on grenade launcher to your assault rifle? Check out the HK GLM 40mm Launcher for exceptional handling and functionality.
AG36/HK GLM/AG-C/HK169 ——〖枪炮世界〗
AG-C或EGLM(增强型榴弹发射器模块)是AG36扩展的型号, 目的是安装到G36以外的武器上使用。 原本的AG36是通过销子固定在专门的护木上,再将护木要安装到G36上。 因此AG-C GLM最主要是修改了安装方式,它的后端可滑入M1913皮卡汀尼导轨 上,而前端是根据不同类型的武器选择不同的固定零件。 例如如果是要安装到M16/M4系列步枪上,前端便是通过刺刀座卡扣固定,如果是安装到HK公司自家的416系列上,则是通过一根横销固定在枪管导气箍下方的一个专门的 …
Heckler & Koch AG-C/EGLM - Wikipedia
The AG-C/EGLM is a single-shot 40 mm underbarrel grenade launcher that attaches to assault rifles of various types. It is manufactured by Heckler and Koch and is derived from the AG36. EGLM stands for "Enhanced Grenade Launching Module". A stand-alone variant exists. The device attaches under the barrel.
The HK GLM is a light weight stand-alone or host weapon mounted 40x46mm single shot grenade launcher that is side breach opening/ loading, utilizing a double-action trigger with ambidextrous safety and controls. The system incorporates a collapsing/extendable and removable stock as well as other accessories.
Grenade Launchers - HK USA - Heckler & Koch
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Heckler & Koch | Heckler & Koch
As a leading manufacturer of small arms for NATO and EU countries, we are proud that our assault rifles are part of the standard equipment of many European defence and security …