GLScene download | SourceForge.net
2025年1月8日 · GLScene is an OpenGL based 3D library for Delphi, C++Builder and Lazarus. It provides visual components and objects allowing description and rendering 3D scenes in graphic applications. Update of newer versions of the trunk has been moved to https://github.com/glscene
glscene - GitHub
GLXEngine - a graphics engine collector with GLScene & GXScene component packages for Delphi & C++ programming. Class libraries for creating 3D scenes with rendering and animations of spatial objec…
GLScene: NEWS - SourceForge
GLScene is an OpenGL based 3D library for Delphi and C++Builder. It provides visual components and objects allowing description and rendering of 3D scenes in an easy, no-hassle, yet powerful manner.
GLScene - Wikipedia
GLScene is a free OpenGL -based library for Delphi, C++ and Free Pascal. It provides visual components and objects allowing description and rendering of 3D scenes.
Delphi笔记(GL_Scene安装及简单使用) - 小清奈 - 博客园
2015年3月2日 · 在网上面查找了很多资料,由于我用的是Delphi来开发的,而现在有关Delphi的资料也不是太多,最后还是找到了一个好东西,就是GL_Scene。 废话少说,先上GL_Scene的下载地址。 2、打开delphi,点击tools/Environmen Options/Library,选择Library path的目录就是刚刚考到安装目录下的Delphi7和source位置。 2.搜索 {GLScene}中的SDL.dll、cg.dll、cgGL.dll、ode.dll、bass.dll和fmod.dll,将它们全部拷贝到 {Delphi}\Projects\Bpl目录。 出现了这几图 …
GLScene - Browse /GLScene/GLXEngine v2025 at SourceForge.net
2025年1月8日 · The release of GLXEngine 2025 as GLScene & GXScene v.2.5 for Delphi & C++Builder of Embarcadero RAD Studio. The version includes bug fixes for the components and examples. Updated support of shaders, materials, BASS, OpenAL, FMOD sounds and DCE, ODE and NGD physical managers.
GitHub - glscene/GLXEngine: GLXEngine - a graphics engine …
GLXEngine - a graphics engine collector with GLScene & GXScene component packages for Delphi & C++ programming. Class libraries for creating 3D scenes with rendering and animations of spatial objects include managers for supporting …
delphi glsence 教程_glscene-CSDN博客
2020年1月14日 · GLScene开源库为Delphi提供了基于OpenGL的3D框架,通过GLScene的组件,你可以轻松的创建和渲染你的3D场景。 而令人惊讶的是,对于这么优秀的开源库,在网络上居然找不到一个完整的安装说明,甚至于 GLScene 本身的官方文档也是不完整的。
GLScene/zh CN - Lazarus wiki - Free Pascal
GLScene是一个基于OpenGL的3D库。 它最初是为Delphi编写的,现在它可以工作C+ + Builder、Kylix、Delphi和Lazarus中。 其主要的特征是: 场景描述. 易于使用的对象旋转、运动功能。 程序的对象(地形,revolution solids,管道,tesselators……) 实用对象(网格,球场,箭头……) 材料 (Materials) 混合模式的支持(透明度,添加剂……) 渲染. 动画. 接口. 实用程序 (Utilities) 优化结构功能和实用程序(矢量,四元数和矩阵...) 作者: initially Mike Lischke 这段时间由 Eric …
Glscene Guide - DocsLib
GLScene is a open source project which has started in 1998. • as many objects as memory allows; Even though it has been a while since development started, GLScene has not yet reached version 1.0. • predefined objects (cube, disk, sphere, cylinder, cone, Although its’ origin use isn’t to create 3D games, one may torus, 3D text, mesh ...