Lockheed Martin (Vought) MLRS Rockets (M26/M30/M31)
The MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System) is a mobile rocket launcher which can fire a variety of rockets from the MLRS Familiy of Munitions (MFOM) as well as the MGM-140 ATACMS guided missile family. MLRS started life as the U.S. Army's GSRS (General Support Rocket System) program in the mid-1970s.
GMLRS: Precision Rocket Artillery | Lockheed Martin
Supporting ranges of 70 KM and beyond, GMLRS is the go-to guided missile for precision strikes and assured mission success.
M30 Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS)
GMLRS extends the range of MLRS fires to more than 60 kilometers and substantially improve MLRS accuracy. GMLRS provides the same lethality as the M26 and M26A2 with far fewer rockets.
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Rocket Motor – Arcadene 361 HTPB (260.5 lbs) Propellant With Steel Case Spinning Tail Fins / Roll Joint Assembly - Decouples Rocket Roll from the GS Electronic Safe and Arm Fuze (ESAF) - Initiates Warhead ... GMLRS Commonality lit
Tail controlled rocket demonstrates near-vertical impact at …
2018年6月20日 · TC-GMLRS, designed and built by AMRDEC, demonstrates a concept to increase the range of effects of the GMLRS system and add maneuverability for future missions. There are currently 66...
GMLRS proved devastatingly effective, permitting precision strikes deep into the Russian rear, hitting supply and ammunition dumps, troop concentrations, and headquarters operations. An "extended range" GMLRS was in the works at the time, with a range of 150 kilometers (90 miles) and test launches from 2021.
2019年8月22日 · In FY14, the Army conducted GMLRS-AW developmental testing/operational testing (DT/OT) in which Soldier crews fired 15 rockets during 3 tactical-fire missions against threat-representative targets. The M30E1 GMLRS-AW IOT&E was executed from October through November 2014.
EDePro, Engine Development & Production
New powerful solution is the 262mm surface-to-surface G/MLRS - the HURRICANE. Each version, developed as an unguided artillery rocket R-262mm and a missile, stands for reliability, effectiveness and exceptional performance in its domain.
Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System® GMLRS® is the combat proven, highly accurate, all-weather, low collateral damage, precision-guided primary round for MLRS systems.
Tail-Controlled Rocket Demonstrates Near-Vertical Impact at …
2018年8月10日 · TC-GMLRS, designed and built by AMRDEC, demonstrates a concept to increase the range of effects of the GMLRS system and add maneuverability for future missions. There are currently 66 MLRS-class foreign rocket systems that either meet or exceed the maximum range of GMLRS, including non-state actors.