New G'n'R logo - mygnrforum.com
2017年1月16日 · The logo used for advertising the tour is changed/modified to show a different gun according to the country where the concert will take place, for example the traditional katanas at Japan. Regarding the “ Bullet logo “ – Yes, that is not a gold disk. The background of the logo is a stylized representation of an unfired cartridge case head.
Classic GNR font and logo. - GUNS N' ROSES
2016年10月6日 · The classic logo type is set primarily in Onyx which was en vogue at the time although several variants were used, especially in the UYI days. It was used in 2001 and again in 2006 before being updated to the slightly modified Corvinus.
Guns N' Roses to return to the road in 2025 - Page 25 - GUNS N' …
2024年5月31日 · For me I think like, a one-off performance or small tour could be really fun. It isn't about "AFD2" or anything, I think it would be just cool seeing the same musical personalities that gave us the specific instrumental performances that made the band well known in the first place, doing it together again in some form.
The "new" Guns N Roses logo/banner? - 2011 - mygnrforum.com
2011年11月12日 · Hey everyone, I'm sorry. I have been out of touch with Guns N´Roses since sometime after Democracy was released. Re-listening to it now as a matter of fact. But to the point! Does someone have a high resolution image of the new (I don't know how new it is anymore) GnR logo? It looks kind of like ...
Vintage GnR shirts... - mygnrforum.com
2016年7月12日 · Can anyone hook me up with good retail stores that rather specializes in 'Vintage Retro' t shirts with embroidered or embedded GnR logo's into the fabric rather than simple print.. With accent more on fashion trend cause that kind of garment is easier to wear due to the quality of fabric.. and no...
Official GNR Social Media Update / Discussion
2009年12月12日 · Pretty much,but did not care cuz I was so happy to contribute to a little part of GNR history! All I Did was rearrange the AFD cross,erased Adler and Izzy,put the Coachella GNR bullet logo in the center,Put Coachella on the top and GNFNR on the right to coincide with the 1st show.All of a sudden for the Coachella Week 2 show,they used my idea on shirts and posters!
Appetite For Destruction Re-Release Information Thread
2018年5月4日 · Side 4 Extra Bonus: Hologroove Hologram of GNR Logo Download Card Sticker for 44.1kHz 16-bit Digital Album APPETITE FOR DESTRUCTION: REMASTERED LP 1 – SIDE G: Welcome To The Jungle It's So Easy Nightrain Out Ta Get Me LP 1 – SIDE N: Mr. Brownstone Paradise City My Michelle Think About You LP 2 – SIDE R: Sweet Child O' Mine You're Crazy ...
Official GNR Social Media Update / Discussion
2009年12月12日 · Jump to content. Home; Browse. Forums; Staff; Online Users; More . Activity. All Activity; My Activity Streams
Rip-off GNR logo used on cover of new book titled "The last living …
2010年5月19日 · Credit to Bang@Metal Sludge for posting the cover:The book contains stories of her exploits with GNR members past and present as well as tons of other bands.
GN'R Logo Billboard Spotted In LA
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