GitHub - mr-ingenious/gnss-ui: GTK4 python based GNSS (GPS, …
2024年7月11日 · GTK4 / Python based GNSS dashboard to display information gathered from GNSS receivers. The application includes a simple GPSD client that is capable of requesting NMEA and JSON data from a GPSD instance. NOTE: This application is work in progress and possibly unstable, so things may break! The UI allows displaying various information, such as:
gnss-ui/README.md at main · mr-ingenious/gnss-ui - GitHub
GTK4 based GNSS dashboard to display information gathered from GNSS receivers - mr-ingenious/gnss-ui
acebrianjuan/gnss-sdr-monitor - GitHub
Welcome to gnss-sdr-monitor! This program is a graphical user interface developed with Qt for monitoring the status of GNSS-SDR in real time.
能提供高精度gnss定位芯片和模块的企业有哪些? - 知乎
测试 GNSS 接收机灵敏度需要 仿真全球定位系统 (GPS)、全球卫星导航系统(GLONASS)、伽利略卫星系统、北斗卫星导航系统和卫星增强系统(SBAS)的信号。 “GPS (全球定位系统)是一种通过卫星进行定位的技术。 它可以利用构成卫星星座的多个卫星广播的导航信号来确定用户在某时间点上的位置。 目前的 GPS星座由 24 颗工作卫星组成,它们在距离地球大约 11,500 英里的轨道上运行。 每颗卫星绕地球运行一周需要 12 个小时。 GPS 星座中还包括一部分在轨备用卫 …
【USRP】利用USRP模拟发送GPS欺骗虚拟定位信号 - CSDN博客
2024年3月5日 · 静态GPS欺骗是一种通过修改、模拟或屏蔽GPS信号,误导设备在静态状态下的定位系统的攻击。 动态GPS欺骗强调了不仅仅关注设备的静态位置,还关注设备运行过程中动态地影响其定位。 这种攻击方式可能导致更严重的后果。 硬件:一台USRP B200-mini-i、GPS信号接收器、国产某品牌手机P30 Pro. 软件:USRP B200所需环境、Google Earth Pro、u-center、SatGenNMEA、卫星伴侣APP等. 安装USRP的相关驱动,安装u-center软件,安装Google …
PKGBUILD review: gnss-ui - Arch Linux Forums
2024年7月20日 · I wrote a small program called "gnss-ui" (initially intended as xgps alternative) and a PKGBUILD for it. It installs and runs correctly after creating a package with the PKGBUILD below. I kindly ask for review. Thanks! pkgdesc="A graphical User Interface for GNSS receivers. It includes a GPSD client and NMEA parser." cd "$pkgname-$pkgver/src"
2023年5月13日 · gnss定位时rtk数据比较精确、稳定,大场地绘制高精地图的路点或其他必要标记时,可以采用经纬度采集工具采集,然后批量进行平面的转换得到数据。 可以节省时间。
ui_gnss.py · xEndLess/pyside6_serial_gnss - Gitee.com
gnss-visualizer - PyPI
2024年4月6日 · GNSS visualizer is a tool for visualizing GNSS data in an interactive environment. It is designed to offer a simple interface in a web browser with ever extending plotting capabilities. The tool is still in very early development so don't expect much just yet!
UHaider/gnss_sdr_gui: GNSS-SDR GUI - GitHub
The goal of this project was to develop a friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the generation of configuration files for user defined receivers. The application reads the reference files of all the different implementations available in GNSS-SDR for different blocks and allows user to select implementations as desired by receiver.
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