GNU APL is a free interpreter for the programming language APL. The APL interpreter is an (almost) complete implementation of ISO standard 13751 aka. Programming Language APL, Extended. In addition, GNU APL can be scripted. For example, this GNU APL home page was produced by a CGI script written in APL (see APL demo ).
GNU APL. March 2, 2025. This manual briefly documents GNU APL, an interpreter for APL as described in ISO standard 13751, aka. "Programming Language APL, Extended". This manual for GNU APL can be distributed under the terms of the …
晚了三年的(划掉)计算机常识纠正-APL 和 J 和 Dyalog - 知乎
APL 是四门语言,一是 A Programming Language 书设计的 elements of programming。 二为 IBM Selectric 上的正交性非常的 symbol notation。 三为据传來自 Elementary Analysis (这书太老找不到) 的 direct definition form,Dyalog 叫 dfns 的 FP language。 四为 Ken Iverson 后來重新发明的 J。 Q: J 比 APL 先进吗? A: J 比 J 之前的 APL 先进。 J 之后的包括 Dyalog 在內吸收了不少 J 的特性呢。 Q: J 和 APL 什么关系? A: 两个都是加拿大数学家 K. E. Iverson 参与设计的。
APL (programming language) - Wikipedia
GNU APL is a free implementation of Extended APL as specified in ISO/IEC 13751:2001 and is thus an implementation of APL2. It runs on Linux, macOS, several BSD dialects, and on Windows (either using Cygwin for full support of all its system functions or as a native 64-bit Windows binary with some of its system functions missing).
GNU APL is a free and (almost) complete implementation of Extended APL as specified in ISO/IEC 13751:2001 and is thus similar to APL2. It was initially written and is being maintained by Jürgen Sauermann. It includes extensions such as complex numbers and …
2018年4月3日 · APL is an easy-to-learn language. This quick start manual is an introduction to APL in a few simple steps. We assume that you are using GNU APL and that you have installed it according to the README files that came with it. The APL interpreter is a normal program and is started like that: by entering its name in a shell (preferably bash).
GNU APL - Summary - GNU Savannah
2013年9月24日 · GNU APL is a free interpreter for the programming language APL. APL is specified in ISO standard 13751 aka. "Programming Language APL, Extended", and GNU APL is an (almost) full implementation of the standard.
Linux 上的 APL 按键映射(GNU APL) - Dev59
我为GNU APL编写了Emacs模式,目前可以通过MELPA获取(最终将进入标准ELPA存储库)。 您也可以在此处找到源代码: https://github.com/lokedhs/gnu-apl-mode. Emacs模式提供了两种不同的输入APL符号的方法。 第一种方法是使用Super键和常规键。 例如,按下 s-e 生成 ∊ 符号。 另一种方法是标准的Quail输入法,如果您没有可用的超级键(例如,在终端中使用Emacs),则非常有用。 您可以使用 C-\ 并选择 APL-Z 来启用它。 完成后,句点(.)用作前缀字符,因此按 …
GNU APL - News [Savannah]
GNU APL now runs on GNU/Linux, CYGWIN/Windows, FreeBSD, and OS-X. The GNU APL project lives at: http://www.gnu.org/software/apl and can be downloaded from: ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/apl/ or any GNU mirror.
gnu-apl安装包下载_开源镜像站-阿里云 - aliyun.com
Apl - Free Software Directory - Free Software Foundation
GNU APL is an interpreter for APL as described in ISO standard 13751, aka. "Programming Language APL, Extended". This free version of the programming language APL has already implemented the latest and greatest features (nested arrays and related functions, complex numbers, shared variables) and is intended to be a full implementation of the ...
lokedhs/gnu-apl-mode: GNU APL mode for Emacs - GitHub
This package requires certain features of GNU APL that was implemented as of version 1.2. In partciular, it takes advantage of a command line option called --emacs which enables certain features that are used by this mode. If your version of GNU APL is too old, you will get an error message saying that the --emacs flag is not understood.
GNU APL - Rosetta Code
2025年3月4日 · GNU APL is a cross platform APL (APL2) interpreter. GNU APL is an (almost) complete implementation of ISO standard 13751 aka. Programming Language APL, Extended. The APL interpreter has implemented: - nested arrays and related functions. - complex numbers, and. - a shared variable interface. Extensions to the APL2 standard include: - scripting.
Installing GNU APL - umhau.github.io
2017年5月13日 · Go here: https://www.dyalog.com/apl-font-keyboard.htm, download the recommended font, open and install it. Then use the GNOME Tweak Tool to set the font as the default in the terminal: fonts -> monospace -> APL385 Unicode Regular -> Select
GNU APL — Wikipédia
GNU APL comportait, en décembre 2014, 60 000 lignes de code C++ [1].Quelques espaces de travail (workspaces) sont fournis en standard, conservés soit sous forme éditable xml, soit sous forme de dumps binaires (PSYS) bien plus rapides à charger.La commande )LIBS permet d'en avoir la liste. Il est possible aussi de stocker ou de lire un espace de travail en APL Transfer Form (ATF) telle que ...
GNU APL 1.8 Released
2019年6月23日 · Hi, I am happy to announce that GNU APL 1.8 has been released. GNU APL is a free implementation of the ISO standard 13751 aka. "Programming Language APL, Extended".
GNU APL Community
This web page contains links to contributions from users of GNU APL, aka. "the GNU APL community". The entries are sorted alphabetically by the last name of the contributor (or her email). If you would like to contribute a GNU APL library (APL source code) then please consider these Library Guidelines that try to maximize the usefulness of a ...
GNU APL - News: GNU APL 1.8 Released - GNU Savannah
2019年6月23日 · GNU APL is a free implementation of the ISO standard 13751 aka. "Programming Language APL, Extended", This release contains: bug fixes, ⎕DLX (Donald Knuth's Dancing Links Algorithm), ⎕FFT (fast fourier transforms; real, complex, and windows), ⎕GTK (create GUI windows from APL), ⎕RE (regular expressions), and …
A GNU APL script is then a script whose shebang indicates the apl binary as the interpreter for the subsequent lines where those subsequent lines are either APL commands or APL statements. With some limitations, executing such an APL script yields the same result as entering the subsequent lines in immediate execution mode.
APL libraries - GNU
Libraries stored as part of the GNU APL project MUST use a license that is compatible with the GNU GPL or with the GNU LGPL. They MUST provide valid copyright information identifying all non-trivial contributors. Libraries stored elsewhere SHOULD NOT limit the freedom of others to use the code in the library. 6.3 Central Web Page ----- The GNU ...