HMH Go Math! ® K-6 - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Go Math! sets teachers up for success with a practical roadmap for daily lesson planning, assessment that automatically places students into personalized, adaptive practice, and access to rich professional development resources—all on a single platform.
Go Math Sample Intermediary - HMH
Go Math! is a comprehensive print and digital program that brings together assessment, instruction, intervention, and professional learning into one seamless and streamlined system. With three convenient ways to review Go Math! content, …
GO Math! Elementary and Middle School Math Curriculums
GO Math!® is the first K–8 math program written to fully support new standards. GO Math! provides teachers with in-depth instructional support, embedded Professional Development videos and tips, and a wealth of differentiated instruction resources to ensure the depth of instruction required for student success.
免费送~美国数学GOMATH全套教材+练习册 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
那么,这套美国获奖的数学启蒙教材 《Go Math! 》 好处都有什么? 更深刻的概念. 《Go Math! 》 幼儿园的数学教材,整整836页用来打地基,阐述数学思维逻辑。 情景化的数学题. 我认识数学重在思考、思维,绝不是仅仅会做题,知其然,更要知其所以然。 很多孩子学习乘法时,只是机械的背诵乘法口诀,七九六十三。 但是七乘九为什么是六十三呢? 而 《Go Math! 》 每一章的内容,就是主要按照“ 问题-概念-练习 ”这条线来组织的,尤其注重让孩子在一个个精心设计的实践 …
GO Math! is the new Kindergarten – Grade 6 elementary mathematics program developed by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt to support the Common Core State Standards. With an emphasis on critical math areas, depth of understanding, interactive lessons, and great teacher and student resources, GO Math! is THE program for your classroom.
Go Math - The Curriculum Store
GO Math! offers an engaging and interactive approach to covering the Common Core State Standards. Our GO Math! Student Edition is write-in with embedded practice pages so students record their strategies, explanations, solutions, practice and test prep...
Go Math 美国小学数学教材GK G1-G6 全套PDF 学生用
Go Math 每一章的内容,主要是按照“问题-概念-练习”这条线来组织的,尤其注重让孩子在一个个精心设计的 practice 里理解数学;practice 中处处都有这种 Math Talk - 随时提醒孩子,不光要解题,而且要思考和表达。
美国获奖数学启蒙教科书《Go Math!》T(怎么教)+G(怎么 …
全球教育领导者Houghton MifflinHarcourt出版的《GOMath》获得“2010年地方行政100强产品之一”荣誉。 很多人要问:“这套教材有这么好吗? ”其实,给予这套教材好评的大部分都是老师和家长,因为《GOMath》有效的帮助了学生提高了数学成绩。 数学重在思考、思维,绝不是仅仅会做题。 而Go Math 每一章的内容,就是主要按照“问题-概念-练习”这条线来组织的,尤其注重让孩子在一个个精心设计的实践练习里理解数学,更能让孩子随时意识到:不光要解题,而且要思考和 …
美国获奖数学启蒙教科书《Go Math!》幼儿园、小学1-6年级教 …
Go Math 是由美国著名的出版公司Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 出版的美国小学数学教材。 提到Houghton Mifflin Harcourt ,大名鼎鼎的Journeys系列教材(德州小学语文教材)以及ScienceFusion(德州小学科学教材)都是出自该公司,并且Go Math 也是德州以及佛州(佛罗里 …