GP ONE Program - Osl.it
GP ONE Program is the application that simplifies the management, transmission, and storage of all programs used in an engineering company. It offers the possibility to manage them in one place, easily share them with collaborators, and archive them securely and in …
GP ONE - Osl.it
GP ONE è la suite web-based sviluppata con tecnologia informatica innovativa per aumentare l’efficienza delle aziende metalmeccaniche.
OSL in 3ds Max - 哔哩哔哩
2018年3月16日 · 3ds Max 2019引入了开放着色语言(OSL)。 OSL是一种开源着色语言,理解起来相当简单。在OSL中编写着色器比开发与3ds max C ++映射相同的功能要少几个数量级。简而言之,在编辑器中键入一些OSL代码,就完成了。有关开发人员文档中的更多详细信息。
质量管理里的GP10、GP11、GP12分别指什么? - 百度知道
GP10、GP11、GP12并非是质量管理方法,而是通用汽车 (GM)针对内部及供应商培训的一些质量管理流程的缩写。 这是通用汽车(GM)的程序文件代码。 不仅仅有这三个,还有GP4、GP5、GP9等等。 这个一般是通用汽车内部员工培训,或是他们的供应商培训的东西。 质量管理里的GP10、GP11、GP12分别指什么? GP10、GP11、GP12这三个都是通用汽车(GM)的程序文件代码。 GP10:供应商检测设备的评价和鉴定 (GM1796)。 GP11:关于前期样件及样件材料 …
OSL开放式着色语言1.11特性中文文档 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
osl开放式着色语言1.11特性中文文档 YuTeng 终于完成了,搭上了这一个月以来几乎所有的课余时间,完整版本的《 开放式着色语言 1.11特性》文档的翻译、排版和校对工作。
汽车主机厂的通用术语——GP1~GP12的含义 - CSDN博客
2024年2月21日 · 本文详细解释了汽车主机厂通用术语GP1至GP12,涉及生产件批准、供应商质量管理、材料匹配检查、可追溯性、持续改进、生产节拍控制、供应商设施评估和早期生产管控等关键流程,帮助读者理解与客户主机厂的关键节点关系。 汽车主机厂的通用术语——GP1~GP12的含义. GP4:生产件批准状况通知 (GM1407) GP5:供应商质量监控流程 (GM1746) GP6:供应商对匹配检查材料的呈报 (GM1689) GP7:可追溯性 (GM1730) GP8:持续改进程序 (GM1747) …
4s店管理中述语GP1,GP2,GP3是什么含义? - 百度知道
2022年5月10日 · GP3指的是整车销售综合毛利率,分子等于进销差毛利加上整车销售返利再加上相关的衍生水平毛利,包括随车销售的精品、新保佣金、上牌服务、信贷服务、延保套餐等毛利,分母为整车销售收入加上相关衍生水平收入,主要反映水平利润对整车的综合获利能力的提升作用。 希望我的回答能够帮助到您! 在日本率先获得ISO9001证书已得到广泛公认的ISO9001系列,是保证质量的国际规格系列标准。 KITZ北泽阀门有限公司走在日本企业的前端,早在1989 …
I'm going to run GP-1 | BobIsTheOilGuy
2020年4月18日 · I am going to purchase a case of driven's new GP-1 high performance oil for my 05 impala. I just felt like sharing. 10W-30 will be the grade. That's a good oil. It reminds me of the old school Kendall GT-1 racing oil from the 70s with a modern twist. Yeah from what I've read driven really did their homework on this product.
GP ONE Program - Osl.it
GP ONE Program è l’applicativo che semplifica la gestione, la trasmissione e l’ archiviazione di tutti i programmi utilizzati in un’azienda metalmeccanica. Offre la possibilità di gestirli in un unico luogo, di condividerli facilmente con i collaboratori e di …
Driven Racing Oil GP-1 Synthetic Blend Motor Oil 15w-40 (12 …
2021年6月10日 · Perfect for performance street vehicles, classic cars, imports, and competition/race engines requiring a 15W-40 or 10W-40 viscosity. GP-1 is compatible with Methanol, E85, and high octane race fuel. Blended with genuine Pennsylvania Grade base oil, GP-1 achieves a higher Pressure-Viscosity Coefficient for excellent HTHS film thickness.
- 评论数: 9
GP ONE FMS - Osl.it
GP ONE FMS consente di ottimizzare il flusso produttivo, ridurre i tempi morti e aumentare la produttività. Inoltre, il sistema offre la possibilità di monitorare costantemente lo stato della produzione e di intervenire tempestivamente in caso di necessità. GP ONE FMS offre diverse funzionalità per la gestione delle attività di lavorazione.
Driven Racing OilPerformance Racing Industry
2019年7月1日 · DRIVEN’s new GP-1 Synthetic Blend provides a high zinc formula specifically engineered and tested to deliver increased horsepower along with more than 30% better wear protection, compared to the competition.
Driven Racing Oil GP-1 Synthetic Blend High Performance Motor …
GP-1 delivers maximum engine protection by utilizing Driven’s High Zinc (ZDDP) additive technology. Designed for all high performance builds, ideally street-track performance vehicles with either flat tappet, roller, or overhead cam engines. Viscosity typical of 10W-30. Requires no additional ZDDP additives. Sold as 12 quarts.
- 评论数: 7
Driven Racing Oil 19406 Driven Racing Oil GP-1 ... - Summit …
Whether you're running flat tappet, roller, or overhead cams—Driven Racing Oil GP-1 synthetic blend motor oil is available in several viscosities to cover your needs. It's compatible with methanol, E85, and high-octane race fuel.
Driven motor oil | BobIsTheOilGuy
2019年2月24日 · Driven oils make use of mPAO and POE quite a bit. LS30 is ~8% POE and ~10% mPAO, the ZDDP is a highly reactive secondary alkyl type, and the moly content is 600+ ppm and is a blend of 2 different moly additives. What's the specs for the LSx? Hydraulic or solid roller? What rpm? All motor or will it see boost/nitrous?
Home Page - OSL S.r.l.
OSL è Prime Partner di Hexagon. Scopri tutte le informazioni relative all'incentivo per le aziende del Veneto e contattaci per una consulenza. Copertura del 100% sul tuo investimento, scopri il Fondo Regionale Crescita Campania 2024! Scopri il Piano Transizione 5.0, un nuovo capitolo che mira a integrare ulteriormente tecnologia e umanità.
Driven GP-1 High-Performance Motor Oils - JEGS
Driven GP-1 High-Performance Motor Oils are a high-zinc blended formula that will improve horsepower performance and deliver maximum engine protection. Using genuine Pennsylvania Grade oil as a base, these come in synthetic blends and conventional formulas, in several viscosity ratings, ideal for classic cars and competition applications.
Driven GP-1 Semi-Synthetic 20w50 Motor Oil (Case of 12 …
GP-1 is compatible with Methanol, E85, and high octane race fuel. Blended with genuine Pennsylvania Grade base oil, GP-1 achieves a higher Pressure-Viscosity Coefficient for excellent HTHS film thickness. GP-1 delivers maximum engine protection by utilizing Driven’s High Zinc (ZDDP) additive technology.
Driven Racing Oil 19506 GP-1 Synthetic Blend 20W50 Oil, 12 …
Driven Racing Oil 19506 GP-1 Synthetic Blend 20W50 Oil, 12 Quarts made by Driven Racing Oil, for as low as $131.64.
- 评论数: 2
Driven Racing Oil: Protection + Performance
Driven Racing Oil was originally created to advance lubricant performance in racing engines, but today our innovations as an engine oil shop extend beyond the racetrack to the street and more. What makes our products different? All our products provide unique formulas developed with the race application in mind first.