Glypican 4 Regulates Aβ Internalization in Neural Stem Cells …
2021年9月6日 · We hypothesized the heparan sulfate proteoglycan glypican 4 (Gpc4) regulates Aβ internalization by NSCs. We evaluated Gpc4 expression in NSCs from P0-P2 generations using immunofluorescence. Adenovirus and lentivirus were used to regulate Gpc4 expression in NSCs and APP/PS1 mice, respectively.
Astrocyte-Secreted Glypican 4 Regulates Release of Neuronal …
2017年10月11日 · We demonstrate that: (1) Gpc4 signals through RPTPs in the presynaptic terminal; (2) Gpc4 upregulates release of the AMPAR-clustering factor NP1 from neurons; (3) binding of NP1 to postsynaptic GluA1 is necessary for Gpc4 to induce AMPAR clustering and synapse formation; and (4) mice lacking either Gpc4 or …
GPC4 Gene - GeneCards | GPC4 Protein | GPC4 Antibody
2024年12月25日 · GPC4 (Glypican 4) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with GPC4 include Keipert Syndrome and Simpson-Golabi-Behmel Syndrome, Type 1. Among its related pathways are Chondroitin sulfate/dermatan sulfate metabolism and …
Nature | 破解Wnt信号高效远距离传递之谜 - 知乎
人类具有6个磷脂酰肌醇蛋白聚糖,作者发现其中的GPC4和GPC6能够与Wg蛋白结合。 此外,GPC4和GPC6与Dlp类似,同样具有双相活性(biphasic activity),既能够抑制高表达目的基因的表达水平,又能促进低表达目的基因的扩散范围。
Astrocyte glypicans 4 and 6 promote formation of excitatory synapses ...
2012年5月27日 · Here we use biochemical fractionation of astrocyte-conditioned medium to identify glypican 4 (Gpc4) and glypican 6 (Gpc6) as astrocyte-secreted signals sufficient to induce functional synapses...
Heparan Sulfated Glypican-4 Is Released from Astrocytes by …
2021年8月6日 · The released GPC4 contains heparan sulfate attachment, suggesting that both release mechanisms preserve the synaptogenic activity of GPC4 in the extracellular space. We also identify ADAM9 as a proteolytic sheddase for GPC4. Overall, these observations show that astrocytes release heparan sulfate containing GPC4 by multiple mechanisms.
GPC4 glypican 4 - NIH Genetic Testing Registry (GTR) - NCBI
2025年1月4日 · Clinical resource with information about GPC4, Keipert syndrome, Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome type 1, Wilms tumor 1, and available tests. There are links to practice guidelines and authoritative resources like GeneReviews, PubMed, MedlinePlus, PharmGKB and clinicaltrials.gov.
磷脂酰肌醇 4(GPC4)基因 | MCE
细胞表面硫酸乙酰肝素蛋白聚糖由膜相关蛋白核心组成,该核心被可变数量的硫酸乙酰肝素链取代。 磷脂酰肌醇蛋白聚糖相关的完整膜蛋白多糖家族 (GRIPS) 的成员包含一个通过糖基磷脂酰肌醇键固定在细胞质膜上的核心蛋白。 这些蛋白质可能在控制细胞分裂和生长调节中发挥作用。 GPC4 基因与 GPC3 的 3' 端相邻,也可能在 Simpson-Golabi-Behmel 综合征中发挥作用。 [RefSeq 提供,2008 年 7 月]
Glypican 4 mediates Wnt transport between germ layers via signaling ...
2021年12月6日 · In zebrafish, Glypican 4 (Gpc4) is required for convergence and extension (C&E) of both the mesoderm and endoderm. Here, we show that transgenic expression of GFP-Gpc4 in the endoderm of gpc4 mutants rescued C&E defects in all germ layers.
Murine glypican-4 gene structure and expression: Sp1 and Sp3 …
2004年8月12日 · In this paper, we present the mouse Gpc4 genomic organization, analysis of its promoter, and some characteristics of its expression in the mouse adipocyte cell line, 3T3-F442A. The mouse Gpc4 promoter is a TATA-less promoter with …