Global Partnership for Education
GPE helps countries build stronger education systems as a springboard to stronger economies and fairer and more stable societies, able to withstand shocks and adapt to the challenges of the 21st century.
About GPE - Global Partnership for Education
GPE is the largest global fund solely dedicated to transforming education in lower-income countries, and a unique, multi-stakeholder partnership. We work to deliver quality education so that every girl and boy can have hope, opportunity and agency.
Strona główna - Gdańska Platforma Edukacyjna
Mar 1, 2022 · Serwis GPE HelpDesk pon.-pt. 8:00 - 16:00; Rekrutacja Numery telefonów do pracowników Urzędu Miejskiego w Gdańsku: Nabór do przedszkoli +48 58 323 67 02 Przedszkola Publiczne Samorządowe +48 58 323 67 44 Przedszkola Publiczne Samorządowe
Careers - Global Partnership for Education
Explore a compilation of career opportunities at GPE and in the education sector in partner organizations. GPE is the largest global fund and partnership solely dedicated to transforming education in lower-income countries.
Global Partnership for Education - Wikipedia
The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) is a multi-stakeholder partnership that aims to strengthen global education. [1] Hosted by the World Bank, [2] GPE is the world's only partnership dedicated solely to funding education in developing countries. [3]
KIX is a joint endeavor between the International Development Research Centre and the Global Partnership for Education to connect expertise, innovation and knowledge to support low- and middle-income countries to build stronger education …
奥克兰大学入学要求以及GPA计算方法 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
在先前其他院校取得的成绩或分数将转换为奥克兰大学的等效积分点(gpe)。 如需将你的成绩转换为GPE,请使用我们的 GPE计算器 *: GPE计算器*
Sign In - GPE Connect
GPE Connect is the community engagement hub for the GPE Network. Students can connect with other students to share rich content any time through spaces created for the links. Instructors can get the up-to-date information they need to conduct their links through the resource portals.
GPE聚醚消泡剂_化工百科 - ChemBK
Nov 26, 2024 · GPE聚醚消泡剂(GPE Polyether Defoamer)是一种广泛应用于涂料、油墨、造纸、农药、食品及化妆品等行业的消泡剂。 其主要成分为聚醚,这些聚醚具有良好的表面活性,能够有效降低液体表面张力,从而抑制泡沫的形成。
gpe 聚醚消泡剂是由低分子多元醇与环氧乙烷、环氧丙烷为主要原 料,在适当反应条件下反应而成的一种聚醚多元醇。根据各用户对gpe 消泡剂的要求,以及该产品本身所能达到的实际质量水平,参照国内外 有关的质量指标,特制定本标准。